Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic


Importance Of Foot levelers Brand Orthotics


What Are Orthotics?

Orthotics are special devices patients wear to improve posture and attain relief from injuries and chronic disorders. Chiropractors across the globe use orthotics to help patients improve their quality of life. You can get over-the-counter orthotics or customized orthotics to fit your foot exactly. They are used for different conditions.

Uses Of Orthotics

The versatile treatment approach is being used in numerous conditions. However, we are discussing only a few. Your chiropractor or podiatrist will recommend you orthotics for any of the following conditions:

Plantar fasciitis: Foot pain conditions like tendonitis and plantar fasciitis can be managed well with orthotics. Studies show that custom and prefabricated orthotics reduce pain and improve function in adult plantar fasciitis patients.

Low back pain: Several times, chiropractors recommend foot/shoe orthotics to chronic low back pain patients. The aim of this aid is to restore normal posture and take off the excessive pressure on the back muscles. Jerrilyn et al. found out that six weeks of prescription shoes only significantly alleviates pain and reduces dysfunction.

Arthritis: Orthotic interventions have proven to improve pain, foot function, and balance in arthritis patients (especially rheumatoid arthritis).

Foot injuries and pain: Your chiropractor may use orthotics as an adjunctive therapy to speed up healing. Foot and ankle injuries take time to heal due to being a load-bearing area. Moreover, with compromised foot health, there are greater chances of further injuries. Custom-designed orthotics stabilize the pedal structures and help you recover while minimizing pain. Thus, these foot aids are great for traumatic foot injuries and pain.

Diabetes: Diabetic foot is a challenging condition that usually leads to amputation. Therefore, doctors try their best to prevent foot ulcers in diabetes patients. Initiation of the condition leads to reduced mobility which worsens the condition. However, research shows that the use of ankle-foot orthosis can evidently reduce the pressure on the affected foot and improve the condition.

Benefits Of Custom Orthotics

There are multiple ways in which custom orthotics can relieve pain, help you recover, and improve your overall quality of life. Numerous studies prefer customized orthotics over over-the-counter products.

Improved Posture

Customized orthotics (corrective insoles) have shown promising results in correcting lower extremity alignment in farmers with pronated feet. This reduces excessive load on muscles and helps your dexterity.

Pain Relief

Plantar pain can be debilitating. A 2022 study highlighted the importance of novel foot orthoses in plantar fasciitis patients. Custom orthosis made using 3D scanning has shown up to 65% reduction in plantar pressure. Orthotics can also be used to lower pain in patients with Morton neuroma and Achilles tendinopathy, etc.

Stable Gait

A faulty gait can lay the foundation for many problems. Perfectly designed orthotics can improve your foot progression angle and lead to an overall improved gait. Orthopedic and neurological patients highly appreciate the gait stability.

Joint Protection And Preventive Care

Older adults who have suffered foot injuries are prone to more of them. Shoe-insole orthotics are frequently used to improve foot safety. Insole orthotics effectively improve ankle joint mechanics and are aptly used for injury prevention in older adults.

Moreover, athletes (especially runners) can get better athletic performance and lower chances of injury.

Custom-Made Orthotics By Foot Levelers

Foot Levelers is a leading brand in the world of orthotics that is offering custom foot orthotics. One of the features that sets Foot Levelers apart is the use of high-quality, state-of-the-art 3D body scanning which provides accurate results and best-suited products. You can get the best variety of orthotics on Foot Levelers. But you can not just put on a sole without proper guidance. So, for expert guidance for your specific condition visit the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic!


Custom orthotics are specialized foot aids that speed up recovery, reduce pain, and improve gait and overall function. Chiropractors advise orthotics for several conditions including plantar fasciitis, diabetes, injuries, Morton neuroma, etc. The best in-town orthotics are from Foot levelers who use 3D body scanning.


Regenerative Therapy in The Villages

Regenerative medicine or therapy is an advanced field of healthcare that aims to heal by promoting natural regeneration within the body. Instead of pumping drugs into the body, regenerative therapists provide you with a means of healing itself. Once an unexplored territory, regenerative therapy has now become an effective way of managing numerous conditions with minimal invasion and side effects. Thus, today’s article discusses the benefits and the prevalent types of regenerative medicine.

Benefits of Regenerative Therapy

There are numerous benefits of opting for regenerative therapy over conventional medicine. Some of the highly liked features (by patients) are discussed below:

Faster Healing: Plenty of conditions require quick recovery for better outcomes. Unlike conventional methods, regenerative mechanisms like stem cells and PRP therapy evidently boost the body’s healing potential. This leads to faster recovery and lesser healing times. Therefore, the use of regenerative platelets has significantly increased in recent times.

Inflammation and Pain Alleviation: The reduction of pain and inflammation with regenerative medicine is also commendable. Present-day studies show that the use of regenerative therapies like PRP injections for chronic spine-related pain can have many positive impacts. When employed in sports injury cases, this particular therapy passes with flying colors. Repeated use of such components can even improve pain/inflammation in chronic knee osteoarthritis patients.

No Need to Burn Your Gut: By cutting down the inflammation and pain in your body, regenerative medicine helps reduce your dependence on drugs. Many patients report abstaining from taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications after a successful session of regenerative therapy. Thus, you can save your gut from further damage by adopting it.

Long-Lasting Results: Unlike conventional treatment options, the use of this therapy is linked to long-lasting results (especially in conditions that tend to recur often). Chronic low back pain patients are faced with the dilemma of recurring pain after treatment. However, a systematic review reveals that several cell-based therapies (using mesenchymal stem cells and PRP) for discogenic pain provide long-term relief.

Reduced Risk of Side Effects: As there is minimal exposure to systemic medications in this method, patients are at a lower risk of side effects. Many believe that the risk of infection with regenerative medicine is also very low.

Types of Regenerative Therapy

Commonly used modes of regenerative therapy include:

Stem-Cell Therapy: The most famous type of regenerative therapy is stem cell therapy which is being used in a range of health conditions. A large number of healthcare professionals use it to treat back pain and spinal disc issues. According to studies, mesenchymal stem cells (extracted from the patient) have shown immense healing potential in discogenic low back pain. Intra-articular injections of mesenchymal cells not only reduce pain but also help repair/regenerate affected tissues.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP): In PRP therapy, the therapist extracts platelets from your blood and injects them into the affected site. Loaded with growth factors, the PRP solution kickstarts healing and manages pain/inflammation well. When given to knee osteoarthritis patients, PRP significantly improves stiffness, pain and disability. It also works reliably for various types of chronic pain conditions.

Shockwave Therapy: The introduction of controlled electric waves within the body has shown to promote natural healing. Thus, it also falls under the umbrella of regenerative medicine. There have been accounts where shockwave therapy has worked impressively for shoulder issues, tendinitis, chronic pain disorders and even erectile dysfunction. Thus, shockwave therapy is another remarkable way of regenerating healthy cells within the body.

Regenerative Therapy at The Legacy Clinic

If you are looking to boost your internal capabilities and want to forsake pills, we suggest you visit the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic for a regenerative therapy session. Be it shockwave therapy or PRP, the experts at the facility ensure maximum outputs with minimal invasion!


New and advanced regenerative therapy procedures like shockwave therapy, PRP and stem cell injections are evidently cutting down pain/inflammation with faster healing and long-lasting results. The Villages community can get their regenerative therapy done by experts at the Legacy clinic.


  1. Cecerska-Heryć, E., Goszka, M., Serwin, N., Roszak, M., Grygorcewicz, B., Heryć, R., & Dołęgowska, B. (2022). Applications of the regenerative capacity of platelets in modern medicine. Cytokine & growth factor reviews, 64, 84-94.
  2. Maloney, J., Strand, N., Wie, C., Pew, S., Dawodu, A., Dunn, T., … & Covington, S. (2024). Current review of regenerative medicine therapies for spine-related pain. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 28(9), 949-955.
  3. Ip, H. L., Nath, D. K., Sawleh, S. H., Kabir, M. H., & Jahan, N. (2020). Regenerative medicine for knee osteoarthritis–the efficacy and safety of intra-articular platelet-rich plasma and mesenchymal stem cells injections: a literature review. Cureus, 12(9).
  4. Jaya Sanapati, M. D., Laxmaiah Manchikanti, M. D., Sairam Atluri, M. D., & Sheldon Jordan, M. D. (2018).Do regenerative medicine therapies provide long-term relief in chronic low back pain: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Pain Physician, 21, 515-540.Urits,
  5. I., Capuco, A., Sharma, M., Kaye, A. D., Viswanath, O., Cornett, E. M., & Orhurhu, V. (2019). Stem cell therapies for treatment of discogenic low back pain: a comprehensive review. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 23, 1-12.
  6. Miranda, L., Quaranta, M., Oliva, F., & Maffulli, N. (2023). Stem cells and discogenic back pain. British Medical Bulletin, 146(1), 73-87.
  7. Wu, Y. T., Hsu, K. C., Li, T. Y., Chang, C. K., & Chen, L. C. (2018). Effects of platelet-rich plasma on pain and muscle strength in patients with knee osteoarthritis. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation, 97(4), 248-254.
  8. Kuffler, D. P. (2018). Variables affecting the potential efficacy of PRP in providing chronic pain relief. Journal of Pain Research, 109-116.

Shock Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

Shock Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a disorder in which the patient is unable to keep an erection for normal sexual activity. As per estimates, 52% of men in the United States suffer from ED. The disability mostly affects men between the ages of 40 and 70. Erectile dysfunction is a personal issue that can contribute significantly to physical and psychological issues.

Thus, patients seek different forms of treatment for the disorder including oral medications, hormone replacement therapies (HRT), penile implants, etc. However, all these therapies are linked to some kind of adverse effects. Therefore, many patients are now shifting towards safe and effective alternatives like shockwave therapy. So, today we shed some light on what is shockwave therapy and how it helps ED patients!

What Is Shock Wave Therapy?

Also known as extracorporeal shockwave therapy, it is a non-invasive therapy that uses different-intensity electric waves to promote healing. This type of treatment option is gaining rapid popularity in managing painful injuries and chronic inflammatory conditions. Surprisingly, shockwaves can prove to be beneficial for erectile dysfunction patients as well. Patients with vasculogenic ED seem to benefit the most from this type of treatment.

How Shock Wave Therapy Improves Erectile Dysfunction Condition?

Low-intensity shockwaves promote healing by improving the blood flow to the affected site. As erection heavily relies on optimal blood flow to the penile tissue, any modality that increases the pooling of blood can enhance the condition.

According to a meta-analysis, low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave (Li-ESWT) leads to an evident increase in erectile function scores. Recent studies found shock wave therapy to be effective for ED. Moreover, there were minimal side effects associated with it.

A 2019 meta-analysis found 2 ESWT sessions per week for 3 weeks to be the best treatment plan. Patients were given a rest of 3 weeks after which the shockwaves were incorporated for another 3 weeks (twice-weekly routine) to obtain superior results.

How Is It Performed?

A healthcare professional moves the electronic device (which emits electric impulses) along different parts of the penis to induce blood flow improvements. The procedure lasts for about 15 minutes.

Benefits Of Shockwave Therapy

  • It is a painless procedure (for most people).
  • It is a safe procedure with minimal side effects.
  • The therapy has long-term effects (for about one year).
  • You get rid of pills and invasive surgeries.

Shock Wave Therapy At The Legacy Clinic Of Chiropractic

The Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic offers diverse options of treatments for different medical conditions. The experts at the clinic are trained to deliver high-quality shock wave therapy to improve your erectile dysfunction and help you get an exciting sex life!


  1. Leslie, S. W., & Sooriyamoorthy, T. (2024). Erectile dysfunction. In StatPearls [internet]. StatPearls Publishing.
  2. Retzler, K. (2019). Erectile dysfunction: a review of comprehensive treatment options for optimal outcome. Journal of Restorative Medicine, 8(1).
  3. Korakakis, V., Whiteley, R., Tzavara, A., & Malliaropoulos, N. (2018). The effectiveness of extracorporeal shockwave therapy in common lower limb conditions: a systematic review including quantification of patient-rated pain reduction. British journal of sports medicine, 52(6), 387-407.
  4. Clavijo, R. I., Kohn, T. P., Kohn, J. R., & Ramasamy, R. (2017). Effects of low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy on erectile dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The journal of sexual medicine, 14(1), 27-35.
  5. Bocchino, A. C., Pezzoli, M., Martínez-Salamanca, J. I., Russo, G. I., Giudice, A. L., & Cocci, A. (2023). Low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy for erectile dysfunction: Myths and realities. Investigative and clinical urology, 64(2), 118.
  6. Sokolakis, I., & Hatzichristodoulou, G. (2019). Clinical studies on low intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. International journal of impotence research, 31(3), 177-194.

How Cranial Facial Release Can Help Sleep Apnea?

Cranial Facial

Sleep apnea is not just a sleep disturbance but rather a chronic condition that has devastating health consequences. Surveys show that the disorder affects a mean of 22% of men and 17% of women worldwide. Obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption are some identified risk factors. There is no cure for the disease currently; however, there are many therapies that can alleviate symptoms. One such therapy is the cranial facial release technique, which is a non-invasive, holistic treatment modality. It is used to treat numerous head and neck disorders. This article explains how the cranial facial release technique can help sleep apnea patients.

Pathophysiology Of Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea patients suffer from episodes of breathlessness (apnea) during sleep, which is the result of a partial or complete collapse of the airway. There is a loss of passage patency in the upper airway which majorly includes the nasopharynx and the oropharynx.

Anatomical factors such as deviated nasal septum (DNS) and adenoid/tonsillar hypertrophy contribute to the disease’s occurrence. Neurological disorders (spinal cord injury, stroke, etc.) and Down’s syndrome patients are at a greater risk of developing sleep apnea.

Holistic Treatment Of Sleep Apnea

Per a review, a multimodal holistic approach for sleep apnea is pretty useful and safe to adopt. The main aim of all the therapies is to increase the patency of the airway passage so there is less obstruction and collapse. The most commonly employed strategies include continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), oral appliances, and maxillomandibular advancement (MMA). In some cases, multi-level pharyngeal and nasal surgery is required.

Cranial Facial Release For Sleep Apnea

A relatively newer approach that can change the dimensions of sleep apnea treatment is the Cranial Facial Release technique (CFR). What makes cranial facial release superior to other holistic modalities is that it has multiple effects on the condition.

Opens Up The Nasal Passages

The primary role played by this endonasal procedure is the opening of the nasal bones. The introduction of air pressure into the nasal turbinates widens the nasal passages and allows optimum bone movements. This maneuver helps cure chronic sinusitis and has proven to be fruitful in the management of sleep apnea.

Improves Endocrine And Neurological Disturbances

As Cranial Facial Release targets the sphenoid bone and the pituitary gland, patients suffering from sleep apnea (secondary to endocrine and neurological disorders) can notice significant improvements. This is because the Cranial Facial Release technique improves CSF flow to the pituitary gland, which alleviates hormonal and neurological disturbances in the body.

Cranial Facial  Release At The Legacy Clinic

If your sleep apnea is relegating your work productivity or the snoring is keeping your sleep partner awake through the night, visit the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic for the best Cranial facial release. The competent professionals at the clinic offer custom-tailored treatment plans for patients. With a cranial facial release session at the clinic, you can say goodbye to your snoring and sleep apnea. So, don’t delay and book your appointment now!


Shockwave Therapy for Shoulder Issues

Shockwave Therapy for Shoulder Issues

Also known as Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT), the treatment modality uses electric waves to jumpstart your body after an injury. It is a popular method of healing muscular and pain-causing diseases. Shockwave therapy (SWT) is a highly efficient, non-surgical therapy that is FDA-approved for musculoskeletal disorders such as golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, and plantar fasciitis. This form of treatment has shown promising results in treating shoulder disorders. Research shows that shockwave therapy alters the pathophysiological process of different musculoskeletal conditions. Therefore, it can bring positive changes to patient conditions. Today, we will discover how introducing shockwaves benefits shoulder pain.

What Is Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment in which the professional introduces high-energy electric shockwaves (via a hand-held device) to cure soft tissue abnormalities. It is known for managing upper and lower limb tendinopathies. Moreover, this form of treatment can effectively relieve pain and come in handy in numerous shoulder pathologies. There are different types of shockwave therapies including focused, radial, and combined.

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy for Shoulder Disorders

Patients with the following conditions can benefit from SWT/ESWT:

Tendinitis/Tendinopathies Inflammation and tearing of soft tissues, especially tendons can cause significant pain and discomfort. Studies show that the use of shockwave therapy yields results similar to steroid injections and has minimal side effects. Therefore, shockwave therapy is a choice for most patients.

Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy Among shoulder tendinopathies, the most prevalent issue is rotator cuff tendonitis. Incorporating shockwaves can alleviate symptoms. A 2024 study, showed that ESWT can lead to significant functional improvements in rotator cuff disease patients. Study members also reported superior pain relief and strong functional recovery. Another randomized study advocates the use of ESWT as an adjuvant therapy for rotator cuff patients suffering from shoulder stiffness.

Calcific Tendonitis Another condition that can affect shoulder health is calcific tendonitis. The use of radial shockwave therapy improves shoulder articular function, lowers pain, and enhances overall quality of life. Clinical studies demonstrate that the most beneficial wave therapy for calcific tendonitis is combined focused and radial ESWT.

Frozen Shoulder Adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder is a painful condition of the shoulder that affects 3-5% of the general population. When used as an adjunctive therapy, ESWT alleviates pain and improves function. The treatment is completely safe and readily accepted by most patients.

In addition to chronic shoulder pain, patients with shoulder injuries can also take advantage of extracorporeal shockwave therapy.

Benefits of Shockwave Therapy?

The introduction of electric shockwaves in the body has the following benefits:

  • Improves circulation of the injured/inflamed tissues
  • Breaks down calcific deposits (as in calcific tendonitis)
  • Stimulates the regeneration of new connective tissues
  • Cuts down inflammation of the affected site

Shockwave Therapy at The Legacy Clinic Of Chiropractic

The Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic offers high-quality treatments for shoulder pain. Shockwave therapy is one of our most efficient and liked therapies for shoulder disorders. If shoulder pain keeps you from doing your basic activities, we suggest you get a session of shockwave therapy!

Final Word

Electroconvulsive Shockwave therapy (ESWT) is an effective therapy to treat different shoulder pathologies such as calcific tendonitis, rotator cuff injury, frozen shoulder, etc.  The introduction of high-energy electric shockwaves improves blood flow and promotes natural healing of the body.


  1. Al-Abbad, H., Allen, S., Morris, S., Reznik, J., Biros, E., Paulik, B., & Wright, A. (2020). The effects of shockwave therapy on musculoskeletal conditions based on changes in imaging: a systematic review and meta-analysis with meta-regression. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 21, 1-26.
  2. Elgendy, M. H., Khalil, S. E., ElMeligie, M. M., & Elazab, D. R. (2024). Effectiveness of extracorporeal shockwave therapy in treatment of upper and lower limb tendinopathies: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Physiotherapy Research International, 29(1), e2042.
  3. Lee, H. W., Kim, J. Y., Park, C. W., Haotian, B., Lee, G. W., & Noh, K. C. (2022). Comparison of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and ultrasound-guided shoulder injection therapy in patients with supraspinatus tendinitis. Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery, 14(4), 585.
  4. Xue, X., Song, Q., Yang, X., Kuati, A., Fu, H., & Cui, G. (2024). Effect of extracorporeal shockwave therapy for rotator cuff tendinopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 25(1), 1-20.
  5. Ammendolia, A., Marotta, N., Demeco, A., Marinaro, C., Moggio, L., Barletta, M., & Costantino, C. (2020). Effectiveness of Radial Shockwave Therapy in Calcific and Non-Calcific Tendinopathy of the Shoulder: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Muscles, Ligaments & Tendons Journal (MLTJ), 10(1).
  6. Abo Al-Khair, M. A., El Khouly, R. M., Khodair, S. A., Al Sattar Elsergany, M. A., Hussein, M. I., & Eldin Mowafy, M. E. (2021). Focused, radial and combined shock wave therapy in treatment of calcific shoulder tendinopathy. The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 49(4), 480-487.
  7. Jacob, L., Gyasi, R. M., Koyanagi, A., Haro, J. M., Smith, L., & Kostev, K. (2023). Prevalence of and risk factors for adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder in older adults from Germany. Journal of clinical medicine, 12(2), 669.

Vitamin D3: The Dire Need Of The Hour

The fat-soluble vitamin i.e., vitamin D has been the focus of attention recently. This micronutrient plays so many roles in the human body that scientists have declared it a precursor hormone i.e., prohormone that converts into active hormone form. You can endogenously produce vitamin D when exposing your skin to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sunlight.

However, today’s indoor-based lifestyle has cut the sun out of our routines. The result is a large-scale deficiency of the vitamin. According to reports, the prevalence of severe vitamin D deficiency in the global adult population is almost 27%. As per another estimate, around 490 million individuals in India are vitamin D deficient. This deficiency is linked to a myriad of problems ranging from hair fall to depression and skeletomuscular disorders. Therefore, dietary supplementation of vitamin D is a must.

Benefits Of Taking Vitamin D3

The commonly consumed (orally) form of vitamin D is cholecalciferol or vitamin D3. It is essential for optimal growth of teeth and bones. The multiple therapeutic advantages of taking vitamin D3 include:

Promotes Bone Health

It is an open secret that vitamin D3 supplementation ensures the maintenance of bone health. By regulating the absorption of calcium from the GI tract, vitamin D3 promotes bone formation and protects you against disorders such as osteoporosis.

Enhances Mental Health

Low serum levels of vitamin D are directly linked to increased risk and occurrence of anxiety and depression. Vitamin D3 supplements elevate mood and protect you from falling into the pit of depression. It also keeps neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease at bay.

Boosts Immunity And Flushes Out Inflammation

With a plethora of viral infections in the modern world, it is critical to boost our immunities. Multiple studies have shown that vitamin D3 intake strengthens the immune system, making it robust against bacterial/viral invasion. Moreover, it relegates inflammation from the body. Thus, it also alleviates symptoms of pain and disease.

Improves Muscle Strength

Individuals lacking optimal levels of vitamin D often report repeated muscle spasms and weakness. In addition to bone health promotion, vitamin D3 intake improves muscle performance. It also reduces muscle fatigue and the frequency of cramps while speeding up muscle recovery.

Protects Against Heart Problems

As vitamin D helps regulate the calcium levels in the body, it is considered a cardioprotective agent. D3 supplementation regulates blood pressure and aids in keeping the arteries clean. Thus, there are fewer chances of atherosclerosis and heart issues. Moreover, it also keeps triglyceride levels in check.


Vitamin D3 supplementation is a must for generalized health. It offers multiple health benefits. You can expect evident improvements in bone and muscle health. Intake of cholecalciferol is linked to enhanced immunity and reduced inflammation. It significantly improves mental and cardiac health and keeps pathologies at bay.


  1. Ellison, D. L., & Moran, H. R. (2021). Vitamin D: vitamin or hormone?. Nursing Clinics, 56(1), 47-57.
  2. Hovsepian, S., Amini, M., Aminorroaya, A., Amini, P., & Iraj, B. (2011). Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among adult population of Isfahan City, Iran. Journal of health, population, and nutrition, 29(2), 149.
  3. Amrein, K., Scherkl, M., Hoffmann, M., Neuwersch-Sommeregger, S., Köstenberger, M., Tmava Berisha, A., … & Malle, O. (2020). Vitamin D deficiency 2.0: an update on the current status worldwide. European journal of clinical nutrition, 74(11), 1498-1513.
  4. Skalny, A. V., Aschner, M., Tsatsakis, A., Rocha, J. B., Santamaria, A., Spandidos, D. A., … & Tinkov, A. A. (2023). Role of vitamins beyond vitamin D3 in bone health and osteoporosis. International journal of molecular medicine, 53(1), 9.
  5. Hemamy, M., Pahlavani, N., Amanollahi, A., Islam, S. M. S., McVicar, J., Askari, G., & Malekahmadi, M. (2021). The effect of vitamin D and magnesium supplementation on the mental health status of attention-deficit hyperactive children: a randomized controlled trial. BMC pediatrics, 21, 1-8.
  6. Bikle, D. D. (2022). Vitamin D regulation of immune function. Current osteoporosis reports, 20(3), 186-193.
  7. Shalaby, M., Sakoury, M. M. A., Harthi, S. M., Alshalawi, F. M., Alhajji, M. M., Alshaikh, Z. H., & Aljaber, A. H. (2020). Vitamin D3 for health and muscle functions of athletes. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11(9), 851-854.
  8. Condoleo, V., Pelaia, C., Armentaro, G., Severini, G., Clausi, E., Cassano, V., … & Sciacqua, A. (2021). Role of vitamin D in cardiovascular diseases. Endocrines, 2(4), 417-426.


Piriformis Syndrome Management

Also known as pseudo sciatica, piriformis syndrome is a painful condition when the piriformis muscle puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. The piriformis muscle is a major hip flexor muscle (located in the buttocks). It plays an important role in stabilizing the hip joint and allows you to rotate the thigh (away from the body). Thus, a healthy piriformis is necessary for dancing, playing pickleball, and even walking.

As you age, the hip joint and the muscles undergo degeneration and there is a generalized loss of mobility. Thus, even simple activities lead to overstretching of the piriformis muscle fibers. This manifests as sharp radiating pain, numbness, burning, and tingling.

Diagnosing piriformis can be a little tricky for healthcare providers and treating it is even more problematic. The location and anatomical importance of piriformis make access and healing difficult. Therefore, there is a need for a special approach.

Piriformis Syndrome Treatment At The Legacy Clinic

While most health professionals emphasize cold application to provide relief from piriformis syndrome, Legacy clinic experts have cracked the code for quick and long-lasting relief. As per experienced professionals at the Legacy clinic (who have been dealing with piriformis patients for years), these are the most effective ways of relief:

Rest And Medications

Studies show that piriformis syndrome accounts for 6% of all low back pain cases. There are multiple (surgical and non-surgical) ways of treating the syndrome but the most important step is to take ample rest. Bed rest allows natural healing and pain-killer medications provide momentary relief from pain.

Ultrasound Therapy

The introduction of ultrasound (sound waves) within the body causes micro-vibrations of the tissues leading to heat production. This heat improves blood flow and thereby enhances the healing potential of the affected muscles. Interferential therapy and ultrasound therapy effectively strengthen the piriformis muscle and help relieve symptoms. According to a study, continuous ultrasound therapy alleviates pain in different kinds of pain syndromes like piriformis and myofascial pain syndrome.

Heat Application

According to experts, heat application does a wonderful job of releasing muscle tension. Diathermy, also known as deep heating, is a procedure that induces heat by delivering electromagnetic currents (high frequency) into the body.

Shortwave diathermy is frequently employed to relieve piriformis syndrome patients. The procedure has shown promising results. Therefore, it is an important modality at the Legacy Clinic. At the clinic, most patients become pain-free with a couple of sessions, thanks to the deep penetration of the waves and enhanced internal healing. However, if a patient doesn’t get relief after four sessions, Dr. Perry advises trigger point injections.

Trigger Point Injections

A trigger point in a muscle is a tender, and painful-to-touch point that arises due to muscle knots. If conventional therapies (ultrasound, diathermy, physical therapy) are ineffective, doctors opt for trigger point injections to achieve quick results.

A trigger point injection (TPI) may be void of any substance i.e., dry needling which physically releases the muscle tension. However, sometimes, doctors inject corticosteroids or botulinum toxin for inflammation reduction and muscle relaxation, respectively.

TPI technique is proven to be effective in the management of piriformis syndrome. New studies reveal that dry needling (trigger point injections) can reduce pain within 15 minutes of administration. Case studies show that symptoms of multiple patients resolved after dry needling which significantly improved quality of life.

Piriformis Syndrome Care At Legacy Clinic

If your piriformis syndrome keeps you off the pickleball court and conventional therapies have failed, we suggest you visit the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic. Here, seasoned clinicians like Dr. Perry will use diathermy and trigger point injections to wane off the discomfort and improve your quality of life.


Vibration Therapy: A Hack To Improve Spinal Health

Your spine is a complex structure that houses numerous bones, ligaments, and muscles. To bear the weight of your uniquely shaped body, the spine has natural curvatures (in the cervical and lumbar regions). Equal distribution of weight on the spinal muscles and vertebral discs is essential for optimal functioning. This is achieved via the spine curvatures.

vibration therapy

When normal spinal curvatures are altered, you land in spinal issues such as cervical or lower back pain. An effective treatment modality to target regaining normal spine curvature is Vibration therapy.

Vibration Therapy

Vibration therapy is a chiropractic treatment in which the patient stands or sits on a vibration plate to restore spinal balance. It was first introduced as a way to retrain the brain’s control over the muscles. Literature suggests that by introducing vibrations in the body, this treatment type effectively regulates muscle activity.

Vibration Therapy And Righting Reflex

Experts believe vibration therapy is a potent way of retraining the Righting reflex. It is a spinal reflex that enables the body to regain an upright position when displaced. The righting reflex sets in when a person is pushed, tilted, or tripped.

How Vibration Therapy Helps Improve Spine Health?

When exposing a patient to vibration therapy, chiropractors are retraining the righting reflex. Continuous vibrations cause displacements which activates the righting reflex. Once activated, this reflex speeds up the restoration of cervical and lumbar curvature of the spine.

This is because, on the vibrating plates, the postural muscles have to do a lot of work. Multiple, rapid Vibe-induced muscular adjustments (up to 50 times/second) improve brain-muscle control and also aid in adaptation to stimuli and balance. According to a systematic review and meta-analysis, vibration therapy effectively alleviates pain and improves function in patients with chronic low back pain.

Thus, experts believe that vibration therapy is 3 times more effective in spinal rehabilitation as compared to exercise alone.

Vibration Therapy At The Legacy Clinic

At the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic, we offer customized vibration therapy for patients. The main aim of the therapy is to retrain muscle

memory, restore spinal curvatures, and hold the adjusted position. So, you should visit the facility ASAP to get rid of your hunch-back!

Articles Chiropractic

What Happens During Chiropractic Adjustment?

If you are suffering from musculoskeletal conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and joint problems, you need proper chiropractic care. But before directly going to get a treatment from an expert, don’t you think it’s better to have an idea of the procedure beforehand? Although there are various chiropractic techniques available to cure different musculoskeletal problems, it’s important to understand the process and benefits. In this blog post today, we will look at what’s the procedure of chiropractic adjustment, what are the techniques the experts use, and the potential benefits you can get from it.

Chiropractor care

Initial Consultation With The Chiropractor 

Like any medical aid or therapy, the very first step of chiropractic adjustments is also an ‘initial consultation.’ Yes, you need to visit the expert first! And, have a thorough discussion on your medical history and get a physical examination. The chiropractor will help you understand your health status, look at the areas where the problem is there, and suggest a proper plan to cure it. To make the initial step of consultation at any chiropractic care clinic the most effective, it’s better if you prepare some questions beforehand. These may include the symptoms you are facing, your lifestyle, and any previous medical treatments you have gone through. To assess you properly, the expert might perform many diagnostic tests or imaging studies. These can include X-rays or MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). All these steps will help the chiropractor get a better understanding of your musculoskeletal problem and find a better solution to it.

The Chiropractic Adjustment Process

After the initial assessment, as the expert finds the best out of various chiropractic techniques for your particular issue, it’s time to start with the adjustment process. The chiropractic adjustment procedure includes applying a controlled and sudden force to the affected joint area. Why? To improve the motion of your joint and get rid of any potential pain or discomfort. There are lots of chiropractic alignment processes available to cure different types of musculoskeletal conditions. Some of them are the spinal manipulation technique, activator method, gonstead technique, etc. Every technique focuses on a particular area of improvement and gives the results accordingly. Let’s have a deep understanding of these techniques below.

Spinal Manipulation Technique

The most commonly used technique in chiropractic care is the manipulation of the spine. You might question why we include the spine only, no matter what condition is there. It’s simply because most of your musculoskeletal problems are because of a wrong posture. And, that starts from the spine itself! That’s why, the foremost step among different chiropractic techniques is the ‘spinal manipulation.’ If the expert is successful in treating the spine, half of the problem will be solved easily. Now, what does spinal manipulation involve? In this process, the chiropractor uses their hands or a very small instrument to apply a controlled and sudden force on the spinal joints. As a result, the mobility comes again and you experience less irritation in the nerves. Many patients also experience a noticeable pain reduction as well. In brief, the spinal manipulation technique is one of the initial steps that an expert takes during a chiropractic treatment to set up the foundation.

After the spinal manipulation technique, many other processes or therapies also come into chiropractor alignment. Let’s look at some of them.

Activator Method

In the activator technique, the expert uses a small, hand-held device called an Activator Adjusting Instrument. What function does it do? It simply gives a gentle impulse force to the spine. As a result, the precise chiropractic alignments are made in the spine. This approach is mainly suggested for people who want a softer approach to their musculoskeletal condition. Let’s say elderly people or those with some specific sensitivities. As the expert uses a device for controlled force and speed, there’s no need for manual thrusting.

Gonstead Technique 

The Gonstead technique is basically a hands-on adjustment method. Very often, the experts use X-rays in this procedure. First of all, the chiropractor gets a thorough analysis of your spine. It includes a detailed evaluation of the posture, gait, and spinal alignment of the patient. After this, the expert uses hands to adjust the affected areas. So, what’s the use of X-rays? They help to identify the exact places of misalignment, making the Gonstead technique the most effective one.


Overall, chiropractic care offers a natural and effective way to treat many musculoskeletal conditions of the human body. No matter which technique your expert suggests, the effects are going to be the same! Relief from chronic pain and long-lasting impact. 

Are you on the lookout for The Villages Chiropractor? Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic is here to assist you with its top-quality chiropractor in The Villages, Florida. We provide a personalized and holistic approach to your overall health and wellness.

Articles Chiropractic

Decompression Style Adjustment Vs. Y-Strap Adjustment

Chiropractic care has gained wide popularity as an effective alternative to surgery. With blazing-fast internet and active social media platforms, the world has now become a global village. Spinal decompression is a frequently performed procedure at the chiropractic clinic. However, a new sensation on the internet is the Y-strap adjustment. There are many videos on the internet showcasing the effectiveness of the procedure. So, today we shall compare a decompression style adjustment to a Y-strap adjustment procedure.

Is Decompression Adjustment The Same As Y-Strap Adjustment?

A decompression style adjustment mostly targets the lower spine while Y-strap rectifies issues of the cervical and thoracic region. The latter is a highly specialized decompression procedure in which the spinal column is stretched along the Y-axis of the body.

How Are The Procedures Done?

Decompression Style Adjustment

The patient lies comfortably on a decompression table (mostly a lumbar decompression table for low back pain). The upper portion of the table remains stationary while the lower portion is moveable and under the control of the chiropractor. A harness is placed on the pelvis and the upper back. The chiropractor then performs traction on the spine using manual or motorized sources (machines). The whole process takes only half an hour to complete.

Y-Strap Adjustment

On the other hand, in a Y-strap adjustment a harness/strap is placed around the neck of the patient and the chiropractor stands at the head-end of the patient, holding the strap. After ensuring a firm and safe grip, the chiropractor gradually pulls the strap to relieve pressure in the cervical region.

How Do The Adjustments Work?

The conventional spinal decompression adjustment puts negative pressure on the spinal column. This creates space between the affected spinal discs and alleviates symptoms of spinal compression.

The high velocity, low amplitude force (HVLA) in a Y-strap produces a swift vacuum in the vertebral discs. This vacuum attracts nutrients and healing cells at the injured site, thereby; promoting recovery and healing.

Both adjustments reposition the vertebral column and eliminate the cause of nerve impingement.

Are The Procedures Safe?

Yes, decompression style adjustment and Y-strap adjustment are completely safe. The Y-strap adjustment might seem like a risky thing to do. However, the process is painless and a completely safe procedure provided that it is done by an experienced, professional (chiropractor).

Who Can Benefit From Y-Strap Adjustments?

This type of adjustment mainly targets the upper region of the spine. It has proven to be a wonderful treatment strategy for the following issues:

Neck Pain

Neck pain arising from skeletomuscular imbalances and nerve impingement responds well to Y-strap adjustment

Disc Herniations

A Y-axis cervical adjustment can push vertebral discs back to normal position and alleviate symptoms of disc herniations.

Subluxation Of Vertebrae

Gradual pulling (HVLA) of the cervical vertebrae can also relieve pain and discomfort caused by rib and vertebral subluxations.


Patients have reported significant reductions in headaches following a Y-strap adjustment.

Y-Strap Adjustment In The Villages

There are very few chiropractors who know the art of Y-strap adjustment. Residents of the Villages are lucky because the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic is offering Y-strap adjustment for its patients. Neck pain, nerve impingements, and headaches will now be a thing of the past. So, don’t delay and realign your spine with a fine adjustment.