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Prolozone The Villages


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Prolozone The Villages

What is Prolozone®?

Prolozone is derived from the Latin word “proli” which means to regenerate or rebuild and the word ozone. Ozone is the most highly active form of oxygen in the universe. Prolozone uses the power of oxygen to cause damaged tissues, joints, ligaments, and tendons to regenerate. This usually causes a complete healing and a permanent end to pain.

How does it work?

The reason that some injuries completely heal and others don’t have to do with circulation. In order for a damaged area of the body to regenerate and heal, it must have the critical elements that only the blood can provide: vitamins, minerals, and oxygen.

Of these, by far the most important is oxygen. Low levels of oxygen cause an accumulation of lactic acid, which is what causes pain. Prolozone works in three ways. First, homeopathic anti-inflammatory medications are injected into the injured area to reduce inflammation and swelling. This leads to increased circulation. Next, the area is treated with vitamins and minerals that are critical for healing.

And finally, the area is infiltrated with oxygen in the form of ozone. The result is that the tissues get what they need to heal. And as they heal, the circulation to the area is re-established, and the treatment is complete. The response to treatment varies from person to person, but most people only need from 3-5 treatments.

Is it safe?

Yes. Prolozone® includes naturally occurring substances and can be highly effective when used under the proper direction and care of a trained physician. Ozone is a highly reactive molecule and when injected into a joint it is able to stimulate the body’s natural joint repairing abilities. 

What conditions can be treated by Prolozone®?

Many conditions can be treated with prolotherapy and can also be treated with Prolozone®. It is excellent for all forms of musculoskeletal and joint pain including chronic neck and back pain, rotator cuff injuries, degenerative and arthritic hips and knees, degenerated discs, and shoulder and elbow pain.

One reply on “Prolozone The Villages”

I have chronic neck, back and knee pain. I had prolozone injections in one knee, years ago and it’s still good. I didn’t know it could be used in other areas. It was not covered by Medicare when I had them previously, but would like to know if it is now.

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