Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic

PRP Injection For Shoulder


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PRP Injection For Shoulder

Shoulder pain can seriously affect your life quality. With shoulder pain, lifting objects, swinging arms, playing games, and even lifting your arms become loathsome. Numerous pathologies of the shoulder can take away your agility and peace.

Most people visit an orthopedic surgeon to get them out of pain. Unfortunately, most professionals offer surgical intervention as the only treatment option. However, highly effective modern medicines are bridging the gap between medicinal and surgical approaches. Now, you can get an array of efficient medicines injected directly into the shoulder. The localized effect of these medicines is magical and can even serve as an alternative to surgery.

The Role Of Platelet-Rich Plasma In Shoulder Pathologies

Platelets extracted from your blood have immense therapeutic potential. Nowadays, many people undergo PRP injections for different shoulder disorders. It is a wise decision because PRP for shoulders has the following benefits:

Speeds Up Healing

PRP, injected directly into the shoulder, increases the healing rate after an injury/trauma. Research shows that PRP injections work wonderfully in speeding up healing in soft-tissue injuries and pathologies. It also revamps the body’s regenerative potential.

Alleviates Pain And Inflammation

Platelet-rich plasma brings down inflammation and consequently alleviates pain. Numerous patients with chronic shoulder pain have reported significant improvement (check out the story by clicking here) in shoulder pain and mobility. According to a meta-analysis, a PRP injection can reduce rates of surgery in rotator cuff injury patients.

Reduces Drug-Dependence

Chronic shoulder pain patients frequently suffer from gastric upset induced by the excessive painkillers they take. PRP brings quick, noticeable, and long-lasting improvements in symptoms. This reduces your dependence on medicinal drugs and has no side effects.

PRP Injections At The Legacy Clinic

The Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic offers platelet-rich plasma injection for shoulder pain under the supervision of experienced professionals. So, don’t let shoulder pain destroy your peace, and visit ASAP!

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