Your spine is a complex structure that houses numerous bones, ligaments, and muscles. To bear the weight of your uniquely shaped body, the spine has natural curvatures (in the cervical and lumbar regions). Equal distribution of weight on the spinal muscles and vertebral discs is essential for optimal functioning. This is achieved via the spine curvatures.

When normal spinal curvatures are altered, you land in spinal issues such as cervical or lower back pain. An effective treatment modality to target regaining normal spine curvature is Vibration therapy.
Vibration Therapy
Vibration therapy is a chiropractic treatment in which the patient stands or sits on a vibration plate to restore spinal balance. It was first introduced as a way to retrain the brain’s control over the muscles. Literature suggests that by introducing vibrations in the body, this treatment type effectively regulates muscle activity.
Vibration Therapy And Righting Reflex
Experts believe vibration therapy is a potent way of retraining the Righting reflex. It is a spinal reflex that enables the body to regain an upright position when displaced. The righting reflex sets in when a person is pushed, tilted, or tripped.
How Vibration Therapy Helps Improve Spine Health?
When exposing a patient to vibration therapy, chiropractors are retraining the righting reflex. Continuous vibrations cause displacements which activates the righting reflex. Once activated, this reflex speeds up the restoration of cervical and lumbar curvature of the spine.
This is because, on the vibrating plates, the postural muscles have to do a lot of work. Multiple, rapid Vibe-induced muscular adjustments (up to 50 times/second) improve brain-muscle control and also aid in adaptation to stimuli and balance. According to a systematic review and meta-analysis, vibration therapy effectively alleviates pain and improves function in patients with chronic low back pain.
Thus, experts believe that vibration therapy is 3 times more effective in spinal rehabilitation as compared to exercise alone.
Vibration Therapy At The Legacy Clinic
At the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic, we offer customized vibration therapy for patients. The main aim of the therapy is to retrain muscle
memory, restore spinal curvatures, and hold the adjusted position. So, you should visit the facility ASAP to get rid of your hunch-back!