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Importance Of Foot levelers Brand Orthotics


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Importance Of Foot levelers Brand Orthotics

What Are Orthotics?

Orthotics are special devices patients wear to improve posture and attain relief from injuries and chronic disorders. Chiropractors across the globe use orthotics to help patients improve their quality of life. You can get over-the-counter orthotics or customized orthotics to fit your foot exactly. They are used for different conditions.

Uses Of Orthotics

The versatile treatment approach is being used in numerous conditions. However, we are discussing only a few. Your chiropractor or podiatrist will recommend you orthotics for any of the following conditions:

Plantar fasciitis: Foot pain conditions like tendonitis and plantar fasciitis can be managed well with orthotics. Studies show that custom and prefabricated orthotics reduce pain and improve function in adult plantar fasciitis patients.

Low back pain: Several times, chiropractors recommend foot/shoe orthotics to chronic low back pain patients. The aim of this aid is to restore normal posture and take off the excessive pressure on the back muscles. Jerrilyn et al. found out that six weeks of prescription shoes only significantly alleviates pain and reduces dysfunction.

Arthritis: Orthotic interventions have proven to improve pain, foot function, and balance in arthritis patients (especially rheumatoid arthritis).

Foot injuries and pain: Your chiropractor may use orthotics as an adjunctive therapy to speed up healing. Foot and ankle injuries take time to heal due to being a load-bearing area. Moreover, with compromised foot health, there are greater chances of further injuries. Custom-designed orthotics stabilize the pedal structures and help you recover while minimizing pain. Thus, these foot aids are great for traumatic foot injuries and pain.

Diabetes: Diabetic foot is a challenging condition that usually leads to amputation. Therefore, doctors try their best to prevent foot ulcers in diabetes patients. Initiation of the condition leads to reduced mobility which worsens the condition. However, research shows that the use of ankle-foot orthosis can evidently reduce the pressure on the affected foot and improve the condition.

Benefits Of Custom Orthotics

There are multiple ways in which custom orthotics can relieve pain, help you recover, and improve your overall quality of life. Numerous studies prefer customized orthotics over over-the-counter products.

Improved Posture

Customized orthotics (corrective insoles) have shown promising results in correcting lower extremity alignment in farmers with pronated feet. This reduces excessive load on muscles and helps your dexterity.

Pain Relief

Plantar pain can be debilitating. A 2022 study highlighted the importance of novel foot orthoses in plantar fasciitis patients. Custom orthosis made using 3D scanning has shown up to 65% reduction in plantar pressure. Orthotics can also be used to lower pain in patients with Morton neuroma and Achilles tendinopathy, etc.

Stable Gait

A faulty gait can lay the foundation for many problems. Perfectly designed orthotics can improve your foot progression angle and lead to an overall improved gait. Orthopedic and neurological patients highly appreciate the gait stability.

Joint Protection And Preventive Care

Older adults who have suffered foot injuries are prone to more of them. Shoe-insole orthotics are frequently used to improve foot safety. Insole orthotics effectively improve ankle joint mechanics and are aptly used for injury prevention in older adults.

Moreover, athletes (especially runners) can get better athletic performance and lower chances of injury.

Custom-Made Orthotics By Foot Levelers

Foot Levelers is a leading brand in the world of orthotics that is offering custom foot orthotics. One of the features that sets Foot Levelers apart is the use of high-quality, state-of-the-art 3D body scanning which provides accurate results and best-suited products. You can get the best variety of orthotics on Foot Levelers. But you can not just put on a sole without proper guidance. So, for expert guidance for your specific condition visit the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic!


Custom orthotics are specialized foot aids that speed up recovery, reduce pain, and improve gait and overall function. Chiropractors advise orthotics for several conditions including plantar fasciitis, diabetes, injuries, Morton neuroma, etc. The best in-town orthotics are from Foot levelers who use 3D body scanning.

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