Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic


PRP For Knees

A common chronic pain disorder that takes away mobility and dexterity from adults is knee pain. The main culprit of knee pain is knee osteoarthritis. According to reports, 15-76% of patients reporting knee pain have underlying knee osteoarthritis. It is a chronic disorder that deteriorates the knee joint leading to permanent damage to the joint’s cartilage.

man suffering from knee pain

The unfortunate patients of knee OA are left with minimum treatment options. However, the recent use of PRP for knees has eased the agony of numerous patients. The healing and regenerative potential of Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) is no secret. Researchers are continually exploring the positive impacts of PRP therapy. There are multiple ways in which PRP can ease knee pain patients.

How Can PRP Help Knee Pain Patients?

 PRP injections for knee pain have the following benefits:

Reduces Inflammation And Pain

Research suggests that PRP suppresses the inflammatory pathways which halts the progression of knee arthritis. It effectively alleviates knee pain and subsides chronic inflammation while repairing the joint tissues.

Increases Range Of Motion And Mobility

The immensely beneficial therapy reduces stiffness and improves mobility in knee patients. Patients report significant improvements in range of motion and gait parameters. Intra-articular injections of PRP evidently enhance the functional status of patients by reducing pain and stiffness.

Shows Quick Results

PRP therapy has proven to be more effective than all other prevalent methods of knee pain treatment. It was revealed in a 2020 study that PRP is more effective and provides quicker results than treatment modalities like steroid injections and hyaluronic acid administration. You can expect to observe meaningful improvements within 12 weeks of therapy. Both the short-term and long-term effects of PRP are commendable.

Improves Quality Of Life (QoL)

By reducing pain and inflammation and improving mobility, PRP directly enhances the quality of life of knee OA patients. Athletes suffering from sports injuries also advocate the use of PRP for knees as it heals the tissues faster and improves QoL.

Delays Surgery

Advanced knee OA patients need surgery to alleviate symptoms and lead a normal life. While PRP may not completely alternate the need for a knee arthroplasty, it can vey well delay the need for joint replacement. A 2020 analysis concluded that PRP in knee OA can delay total knee arthroplasty.

PRP For Knees At The Legacy Clinic

If you don’t like your transformation from a “jumping jack” to a “limping jack” we suggest you visit the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic because we are offering PRP injections for knees. These intra-articular injections will flush out the pain and inflammation from your joint and let you be yourself again! So don’t delay, and visit ASAP!


How Many PRP Injections Are Needed For Knee?

You might be aware of the benefits of platelet-rich plasma for shoulder and back pain. But what about the knee? It’s beneficial for knee pains as well. If you have been suffering from chronic knee pain for a long time, it’s time to go for a platelet-rich plasma injection for knee. However many patients worry about the quantity of injections they will require to treat knee problems thoroughly. In this blog post, we will discuss the same in detail.

Understanding PRP Injections for Knee

First of all, keep in mind that you need proper chiropractic care for getting PRP. This all requires an expert. You can find a chiropractor in The Villages easily.

Now, if we come back to PRP for knee, it simply involves increasing the concentration of platelets in the affected part of your knee. Later on, it will take time to heal properly. Now, you might be thinking about how long should you rest after PRP injection. Go to the link for more info. on the same:

How Many Injections Do You Require For Knee Problems?

Along with the benefits of platelet-rich plasma, the number of injections the therapy requires to treat a knee condition completely matters a lot for the patients. Let us understand it below. But keep in mind that it varies depending on the type of knee injury. We will discuss it below.

Mild Knee Pain or Early-Stage Osteoarthritis:

When one is suffering from mild knee pain, which usually occurs in early-stage osteoarthritis, the only aim of having a platelet-rich plasma injection is to get rid of pain and a little bit of inflammation. In this case, you can expect treatment in one to two doses. In most of the cases, one is enough. But if it’s a bit more than mild, you might require two applications of PRP injection for knee.

Moderate To Severe Knee Conditions:

If you suffer from moderate knee-related issues, you will require at least three doses of PRP injections. Now, if we talk about their timelines, it would be 1-1 injection spaced between 1 week.

Chronic Knee Problems

Now comes the most common knee problems that are chronic, i.e. for a long time. To treat them, you might need to invest quality time in addition to quantity. It might require a series of PRP injections, one every 6th or 12th month. However, we suggest consulting a chiropractor.

Will The Number of Injections Affect The Cost?

So, it’s a very obvious & big yes! The more PRP you go with, the more it will get your pockets loose. However, many clinics provide discounts on a bunch of injections. You can try consulting for platelet-rich plasma injections in The Villages.

Will It Be Worth It?

So, the benefits of PRP are numerous. If you have planned to go for one to treat your knee pain, you are on the right path. Do not worry about that. Let us understand the same by a list of some benefits of platelet-rich plasma for knee below:

Relief From Pain And Inflammation 

Undoubtedly, PRP will give you relief from knee pain. Also, if you have Inflammatory issues due to knee problems, you can get rid of them easily. But it will take time.

Faster Speed of Healing 

By injecting concentrated plasma into your affected area, the healing will increase. You will be able to get back to your normal movements in due course of time.

Good Quality of Life

As you heal quickly, your life’s quality will increase. It will become better. 


In conclusion, you can go for PRP therapy to treat your knee-related injuries. It is a promising alternative to all those traditional methods that require a lot of time and money. In brief, it is both a cost-effective and beneficial solution with several benefits such as pain relief, faster healing, and an improved quality of life. But to have a proper plan about how much PRP injections will cost for knee pain, it’s recommended to have one-on-one advice from an expert.