Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic


Acupuncture For Headaches

Acupuncture For Headaches

Why Should You Try Acupuncture?

Many of us suffer from routine headaches or very painful acute headaches. If you’re someone who has been suffering in silence, it’s time to speak up! There are options to reduce the severity, occurrences and symptoms of your headaches.


A 2016 review published by the American Headache Society found that acupuncture can be part of a treatment plan for people suffering from migraines, tension type headaches, and other types of chronic headaches.

Another 2016 Cochrane review showed that “adding acupuncture to routine care or treatment of acute headaches reduces the frequency of headaches in the short term (three months).”

Many people simply take OTC meds such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen to combat their headaches. These may be effective in the short term, but they can lead to much worse effects in long term usage. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is the leading cause of acute liver failure in the United States. Long term or heavy use of Ibuprofen and Naproxen can cause chronic kidney disease known as chronic interstitial nephritis. Your headaches are bad enough without having to worry about side effects from the pills you’re taking to alleviate them! The good news is that this doesn’t have to be the case. Don’t continue to “deal with” the painful aches, try acupuncture for yourself and get the relief you’ve been needing.

If you think you or someone you know might benefit from acupuncture, call or email us today to learn more or to schedule your visit. You can reach us at:

Phone: 352-259-0024

Email: info@legacyclinic.org

or find out what else we offer at our website. Legacyclinic.org


Weight Loss @ Legacy Clinic

Shawn lost 43 pounds and 38 pounds of pure fat on our weight loss program!
Weight Loss The Villages

Safe weight loss!

Stop throwing your money away!

Many of our patients have already seen staggering weight loss and they’ve kept the weight off! If you’ve been wanting to make a change but other diets and programs have failed you in the past, this is the program for you! No starvation, no gimmicks and NO HARMFUL CHEMICALS! This program is doctor monitored and its success rate is nothing short of amazing.

Dr. Chris has been offering his doctor supervised weight loss program in The Villages, Fl for years and the success rate is amazing. His patients will speak for themselves about how wonderful the program is. Why starve yourself on fad diets or eat prepared meals that taste like wet cardboard and old shoe leather? Don’t binge on the gym 8 hours a day trying to burn off calories. These things might work for a short time but we all know they are not sustainable and eventually the weight will come back. Try the program that has a proven track record of many lost pounds and mnay pounds kept off after the program was finished. With this program you will learn how to train your body to burn fat for fuel.We want our patients to feel their best and stay that way!

Call us today to book a no obligation consultation with Dr. Chris Kessler.
Legacy Clinic

Contact Us:
Phone: 352-259-0024


Acupuncture For Tight Muscles

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Acupuncture for tight muscles


Acupuncture for tight muscles releases trigger points by finding the most tender and tight band of muscle and using an acupuncture needle to poke the muscle and get it to involuntarily contract. Releasing a trigger point gets the muscle out of the shortened state and usually, after a few contractions, it softens and remains in a more elongated and relaxed state. As an acupuncturist, Dr. Perry can feel the resistance at the needle soften as trigger points and muscles are being released. Some patients describe the feeling as “popping a tension bubble” or “melting away tightness and tension.” 

Acupuncture for tight muscles

Some trigger point conditions may resolve in one treatment while others may need five or more treatments for the muscle to reprogram itself. If it is a chronic condition and there are ongoing lifestyle factors that contribute to the issue it can take more time or reoccur if treatment is not frequent enough. There can be soreness in the muscle for up to 72 hours after trigger point release that feels like the muscle soreness after a workout. 

It is recommended to apply warmth and engage in gentle movements in the days following trigger point release to help reduce soreness and promote blood circulation in the affected area. When a muscle is pain-free and unrestricted, it can move in its full range of motion will helps the body’s structural alignment.

Contact Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic 352-259-0024 for your trigger point release or acupuncture for tight muscles appointment

Acupuncture for tight muscles

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Legacy Testimonial

This man went from being unable to stand to feeling like he could do jumping jacks in just one week with the help of the doctors at Legacy Clinic. Doctors John, Chris, Angela and Aaron have been helping patients to live their best lives and reduce if not eliminate the pain they suffer from. Thousands of patients have reaped the benefits from all the services that Legacy Clinic provides.

Not only do they offer chiropractic, but weight loss, massage, acupuncture and physiotherapy in the Villages FL. They also offer a wide variety of supplements to help keep you feeling great after you leave. Legacy Clinic has helped patients suffering from all forms of pain from minor back pain, to headaches to more sever chronic pain caused by multiple conditions. Don’t rely on pills to get you through the day. Start relieving the pain by fixing what is causing it. Get back to enjoying the things you like to do without worrying that you’ll pay for it the next day.

Legacy Clinic Website

Phone: 352-259-0024

Email: info@legacyclinic.org


Acupuncture Point Pain Relief Shots

Legacy Logo 2
March 18th 2020
Have you heard of acupuncture?

Some of you may be familiar already with acupuncture and acupuncture points, but did you know that Legacy Clinic offers all natural pain relief shots? These shots contain all natural ingredients so they don’t carry the harmful side-effects of long term cortisone use or other agents used to relieve pain.


By injecting into the acupuncture points, our patients are reporting longer lasting relief and quicker recovery times. We are seeing miracles in patients suffering from:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Gout
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic pain
  • Disc bulges
  • Knee pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Hip pain
  • Bursitis
  • And more

If you’re experiencing pain, you owe it to yourself to try the safest options first. Cortisone use over periods of time can become less and less effective and can lead to other problems. Narcotics may work but at what cost????

Call or email us today for more information on how we can help manage your pain safely and effectively!

Phone: (352)259-0024    Email: info@legacyclinic.org


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New Logo 2      MARCH 18TH 2020

Have you heard of acupuncture?

injection-therapy_biopuncture_notextSome of you may be familiar already with acupuncture and acupuncture points, but did you know that Legacy Clinic offers all natural pain relief shots? These shots contain all natural ingredients so they don’t carry the harmful side-effects of long term cortisone use or other agents used to relieve pain.

Visit Legacy’s Website

By injecting into the acupuncture points, our patients are reporting longer lasting relief and quicker recovery times. We are seeing miracles in patients suffering from:
  • Muscle spasms
  • Gout
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic pain
  • Disc bulges
  • Knee pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Hip pain
  • Bursitis
  • And more

If you’re experiencing pain, you owe it to yourself to try the safest options first. Cortisone use over periods of time can become less and less effective and can lead to other problems. Narcotics may work but at what cost????

Call or email us today for more information on how we can help manage your pain safely and effectively!

Phone: (352)259-0024    Email: info@legacyclinic.org

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The villages acupunture clinic and doctor of oriental medicine helps many conditions

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Acupuncture In The Villages?

Have you heard of acupuncture but aren’t sure exactly what is involved? You’re not alone. There are a lot of misconceptions out there about acupuncture and we’d like to clear a few things up.
  • Acupuncture is painful – This seems to be based on a fear of needles. While that fear is real, the pain is not. The needles used are about the width of a strand of hair.
  • Acupuncture doesn’t work – Acupuncture was helping people long before western medicine. It does not involve harmful chemicals and has been proven to provide relief to many symptoms.
  • Acupuncture is expensive – Acupuncture is becoming recognized by more and more healthcare professionals and insurance companies are starting to see the benefits of including it in their plans.
  • Acupuncture is addictive – Although some patients will need a few sessions to gain the maximum benefits of acupuncture, it is not addictive. Quite oppositely, acupuncture can often help curb other addictions like smoking or alcohol
Accupuncture The Villages

Acupuncture has been helping people for thousands of years. People around the world have taken advantage of its benefits. With so much to gain and so little to lose, isn’t it time you tried acupuncture? From minor aches and pains to more chronic diseases and even addiction, acupuncture has helped millions escape from pain and start enjoying all that life has to offer again. If you feel like you might benefit from acupuncture, please contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment with the doctor. We are happy to be a part of your healthcare team and we look forward to your next visit.

Phone: 352-259-0024   Email: info@legacyclinic.org
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Best Allergy Supplement!

Best Allergy Supplement!

All Natural Allergy Relief IS Possible!!

If you are suffering from sneezing, congestion and/or runny nose, itchy/watery eyes (or any of the other well-known allergy symptoms that start this time of year), then Antronex is for you!! 
This supplement is like a miracle. We can’t keep it in stock during allergy season! Why be miserable? Why take a bunch of chemicals to relieve your symptoms?
Try Antronex today and get the relief you need without the side effects.

How Antronex Keeps You Healhty:


The liver is the site of a great many metabolic functions and therefore cleansing is vital. The ingredients in Antronex help maintain a healthy liver by enhancing blood filtering capabilities.


When histamine production is stimulated, it creates reactions involving the respiratory and immune systems. This may cause restriction in the lungs. Antronex helps control this production!


The calcium in Antronex plays a major role in increasing immune efficiency
Stop in and see us today for your

All Natural Allergy Relief!