Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic


Cranial Facial Release And Temporomandibular Joint Issues

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a crucial joint that allows you to energize the body by actively breaking down food. TMJ disorders have a prevalence of 5 to 12%. TMJ dysfunction is a prevalent disorder of the joint on which the patients suffer from pain on mastication, facial pain, and chewing difficulties.

What Causes TMJ Disorders?

The most common cause of TMJ dysfunction is teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. Other contributors to TMJ dysfunction include injury to the jaw and chronic bone conditions such as arthritis. Bone diseases such as osteoporosis also increase the risk of TMJ disorders.

Spinal Adjustments For TMJ Disorders

Spinal adjustments and posture correction have been shown to benefit the cranial bones and muscles. It was seen in a study that posture correction from chiropractic care helped alleviate symptoms of TMJ dysfunction. Numerous studies have highlighted the importance of restoring the balance of hard tissues to cure TMJ disorders.

Cranial Facial Release For TMJ Dysfunction

Joint disorders arise gradually, and the development of disorders can be attributed to cranial bone movement restrictions.

Cranial Facial Release is a non-invasive procedure that can correct deformities of the cranium. The endonasal procedure removes cranial fixations that put pressure on the brain

By promoting the natural movements of the bones, the therapy enhances the CSF flow in the brain and drainage of the sinuses.

Improved blood flow and CSF flow in the brain aid habit management as well, which plays an important part in TMJ management. Restoration of the cranial respiratory movement also helps alleviate neurogenic issues, including trigeminal neuralgia and Bell’s palsy.

CFR also aids in correcting nasal passage-related orodental issues. This plays a part in the management of temporomandibular joint problems.

CFR At The Legacy Clinic

If you are tired of persistent jaw pain and eating the most basic of food items is a nightmare, we recommend you visit the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic. The clinic offers highly effective treatment modalities such as CFR under the supervision of trained professionals. So, don’t delay and book your appointment ASAP!


PRP Injections for Shoulder Tendonitis 

Among all the painful shoulder injuries, shoulder tendinitis is very critical. The level of pain it causes in the shoulder is just indefinable. We have traditional treatments available for it including physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and surgeries too for high-level cases. But platelet-rich plasma injection for shoulder has left all these behind. In this blog post, we will learn about the same & what are the benefits of platelet-rich plasma to treat shoulder tendinitis.

Understanding Shoulder Tendinitis 

Shoulder tendinitis is a critical problem in the shoulder that refers to the inflammation in the area of the tendons. Mainly, it points to the inflammation in the rotator cuff tendons. It’s a very serious shoulder problem that requires treatment as soon as possible. And guess what? You have PRP injections to go with.

Causes of Shoulder Tendinitis 

This problem isn’t natural. It occurs because of:

  • repetitive overhead activities 
  • trauma
  • degenerative changes due to aging

Effects of Shoulder Tendinitis 

Being a very serious shoulder problem, it causes:

  • pain
  • inflammation 
  • swelling
  • difficulty in moving the shoulder 

And these effects can disturb our normal lives a lot. Think to yourself that you won’t be able to lift things easily when they fall from the place because of shoulder tendinitis.

Treatment with Platelet-rich Plasma Injection for Shoulder 

Platelet-rich Plasma Injections in The Villages are available to treat shoulder tendinitis and give you relief from significant chronic pain. All you need to do is:

  1. Consult a chiropractor
  2. Discuss the benefits of platelet-rich plasma for shoulder tendinitis 
  3. Get PRP injections in The Villages 

What Can You Expect?

After getting a PRP injection for shoulder tendinitis, you can experience the following:

A Boost in Healing

Your shoulder will start healing by providing growth factors directly to the injured tendons in the shoulder area.

Pain And Inflammation Will reduce

You can experience a significant reduction in pain and inflammation from shoulder tendinitis. In the end, comfort will remain.

Less Dependency on Medications

If you have been on medicines for a long time to treat pain (let’s say painkillers), you do not require them now after a platelet-rich plasma injection.

Potential for Long-Term Relief 

Long-term relief from pain is also possible.

Post-Care Also Matters A Lot 

After a platelet-rich plasma injection, the therapy does not end there. You require the post maintenance of your shoulder too. For this, you require to be under proper chiropractic care. You can find a chiropractor in The Villages easily. The expert will be with you at every step and guide you properly.

Also, if you want answers on how long should you rest after PRP injection for shoulder tendinitis, no one other than an expert can answer this well.

What Other Than Shoulders?

Not only the shoulder, if you are suffering from issues in the back and knee, you can consider PRP injections for back pain and knee pain respectively. The benefits of platelet-rich plasma are numerous whether it’s about shoulder tendinitis or any other musculoskeletal condition.

In case of critical problems (that are at high-risk levels), platelet-rich plasma injection might not work fully. But you can expect some improvements. For example: your pain will reduce. Although not completely, there are chances of around 50% reduction in pain.

For mild-level musculoskeletal conditions, it can give you 100% relief.

Accessible To All

Platelet-rich Plasma Injections are accessible to everyone to date. You can find clinics around you that offer PRP therapy. If you are from The Villages, Legacy Clinic is here that provides PRP injections in The Villages. 

Whether you are dealing with shoulder injuries like shoulder impingement or shoulder tendinitis or it’s about knee pain or back pain, there’s a chiropractor in The Villages to solve your problem. Find the perfect solution today!

Go With PRP or Not?

In the end, it’s your final decision to choose PRP injections for shoulder tendinitis or not. Keep in mind all the healthy benefits of it but do not skip on the consequences. If financial constraints are the problem, be aware that you cannot cover expenses for PRP injections using insurance. We suggest consulting to the experts or reach out to us for detailed information on the same. Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic is known for providing guidance and care to its clients. It will help you get a better understanding of PRP for your particular condition.


Legacy Clinic Scholarship Winner Announcement: Eva Watterson

The Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic is excited to announce the scholarship program winner. The institute is dedicated to providing opportunities to deserving students. We aim to bring positive change in society with knowledge and wisdom.

Eva Watterson: The Enthusiastic Captain

We congratulate Eva Watterson for winning the Buffalo scholarship offered by the Legacy Clinic. Eva is a hardworking and self-driven individual who is unafraid of life challenges. The enthusiastic and honest-to-work Eva wishes to study Physical Therapy (with a minor in Exercise Science) at the Palm Beach Atlantic University College of Central Florida. Owing to her love for kids, her goal is to become a physical therapist and serve at a pediatric hospital.

Eva Watterson is an exceptional player and leader with numerous accolades and achievements on the field. She was the high school basketball team captain (2022-2023) and is the volleyball captain for sessions 2023-2024. Ms. Watterson is also the FCA leadership team officer. Based on her commendable skills, she has been awarded the “Most Committed” award in basketball (2022-2023) and the “Biggest Heart” award for volleyball (2023-2024).

In her leisure time, she devotes herself to teaching children about their savior Jesus in the church. She aims to teach the message of empathy and discipline to the young ones.

The Legacy Clinic is ecstatic to help such a highly motivated individual achieve her dreams. We wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors and hope she gathers many more feathers in her cap!


Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a painful foot condition that can limit your movement. The severity of the disease varies between individuals. Reports show that about 10 percent of the global population suffers from plantar fasciitis. Most of the patients are adults aging 25 to 65 years. It is the most common cause of heel pain.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

It arises because of inflammation of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a fibrous, ligament-like soft tissue present in the bottom of your foot. It extends from the bottom of the heel to the toes. Overuse and too much stretching can irritate it, leading to swelling.

The swelling brings a lot of pain and stiffness which makes walking unbearable.

Athletes and players are more prone to developing plantar fasciitis due to excessive activities with the foot.

Symptoms Of Plantar Fasciitis

  • Painful arch of the foot
  • Heel pain (especially the bottom of the heel)
  • Foot stiffness
  • Swelling and color change around the heel

Sometimes, patients also report stiffness of the Achilles tendon.

How Can You Treat Plantar Fasciitis?

The disease can be managed well with simple at-home strategies. However, it may take time to heal. As the heel is crucial in weight-bearing of the body, ample rest is not possible for many. To relieve your symptoms you can try the following:


Over-the-counter painkillers are good at alleviating pain and reducing inflammation. Drugs like ibuprofen, naproxen, etc are good at providing relief.

RICE Principle

The best way to manage plantar fasciitis at home is to follow RICE i.e., ample Rest, Ice application, slight Compression and Elevation of the foot. These maneuvers help reduce the inflammation of the plantar fascia and consequently alleviate symptoms.

According to a study, rest, and medicinal therapy (localized steroid injections for severe cases) are good for treating plantar fasciitis pain.


You can get custom-designed orthotics for the long-term management of plantar fasciitis. Specially designed orthotics not only provide pain relief but also prevent recurrence of the disease.

Chiropractic Treatment

Manipulative therapy and chiropractic treatment can play a positive role in the alleviation of plantar pain. Clinical studies highlight the importance of orthotics and chiropractic therapy in plantar fasciitis treatment. Non-invasive procedures like extremity manipulation can effectively rid you of plantar fasciitis symptoms.

Early introduction of extracorporeal shockwave therapy has also shown promising results. Surgery is reserved for extreme cases only.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment At The Legacy Clinic Of Chiropractic

If putting weight on the foot forces you to do salsa, your plantar fascia needs help!

With proper and early treatment, you can save precious (healing) time and save yourself from agony. To relieve your heel pain, visit the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic for the best, custom-tailored plantar fasciitis treatment!


Conquer Iliotibial Band Syndrome(ITBS)

Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is a painful condition experienced by athletes and players across the globe. The disorder causes a sharp ache in the knee and hip region (on the outside), mainly due to a tight Iliotibial band. The disease’s incidence is between 1.6 and 12% in runners and repetitive motion athletes. Women are more prone to developing ITBS. If you have been put down by lateral knee pain and want to get up ASAP, read us out!

What Is The Iliotibial Band?

The iliotibial band is a tendon present on the outside of the leg. On one end it attaches at the top of your pelvic bone and the other to your knee. Repetitive motion and friction of the tendon can lead to irritation and swelling of the tendon band, leading to excruciating lateral knee pain.

Who Gets Iliotibial Band Syndrome?

As repetitive leg motions can trigger the syndrome, the following people are at the greatest risk of developing ITBS:

  • Runners
  • Cyclists
  • Tennis players
  • Soccer players
  • Skiers
  • Basketball players
  • Hockey players
  • Weight lifters

Knee arthritis patients, individuals having weak leg and buttock muscles (gluteus maximus and minimus, etc.), and runners with poor biomechanics are more prone to falling prey to ITBS.

What Are The Symptoms Of Iliotibial Band Syndrome?

The following symptoms are most commonly seen in ITBS patients:

  • Pain on the outside of the knee (increases with activity).
  • Burning sensation in the thigh and knee region.
  • Clicking and rubbing feeling on the outer knee.

How Can I Manage Iliotibial Band Syndrome?

Timely treatment of ITBS is crucial as delayed treatment can lead to scarring in the bursa. The bursa is a fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion between the IT band and bone. The following modalities have shown promising results in the treatment of ITBS:

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic treatment is an immensely beneficial, conservative, and effective modality to get rid of your ITBS pain. A chiropractor reduces your pain while speeding up the recovery process. With regular visits to the chiropractor, you can improve your range of motion and prevent ITBS from developing again. Studies show a high efficacy and effectiveness of chiropractic adjustment in ITBS.

Laser Therapy

Low-level laser therapy provides rapid relief in acute iliotibial band syndrome patients. This treatment type has been in use for more than two decades.


Ultrasound therapy, when paired with physical therapy and cold application leads to significant alleviation of pain and other ITBS symptoms.

Soft Tissue Techniques

Soft tissue manipulation is employed to release muscle tension. A specialized technique i.e., the Graston technique uses specialized instruments to massage the painful iliotibial tendon. It effectively breaks down scar tissue, reduces pain, and improves mobility.

ITBS Relief At The Legacy Clinic Of Chiropractic

At Legacy Clinic, we specialize in reducing IT band pain using the above-mentioned treatment modalities. By providing the proper exercises and stretching guidelines, we help alleviate the pain and reduce long-term issues associated with the disorder. So, with help from the Legacy clinic, you can Conquer IT band syndrome like a pro!


Motion Is Lotion By Dr. JT Anderson

Aging is characterized by a multitude of problems and health concerns. Research reveals that the body grows old, skeletal muscles become frail, and cognitive abilities take a nosedive. While entering into the later stages of life accolades you with a superior rank, the joints, and muscles become cranky.

A seasoned body usually has plenty of squeaky, achy, and angry joints. These noisy joints gravely reduce your quality of life and interfere with daily activities. Alas! You can not stop your body from entering into the vortex of aging. But hurray! You can enter it with a fitter body and a sharper mind. We’ll explain how.

How Does Aging Affects Joints?

Mother nature protects your joints with ample quantities of fluid (synovial) and elastic tissues (cartilage) within the gliding bones. As you become seasoned, the cartilage and the synovial fluid undergo recession. Thus, just like your skin, you face dry joints which become problematic with time.

Managing dry skin is simple; Apply lotion. But what about the joints???

You can’t apply lotion to the joints!!!

How Can I Get Rid Of Dry Joints?

The solution to squeaky, painful, dry joints and a weak mind is Motion Is Lotion-Live An Oily Lifeby Dr. JT Anderson. It is a life-changing book that prevents you from falling into the abyss of a weak skeletomuscular system. The book touches on some crucial health maintenance points discussed below.

Motion Is Lotion

In the book you will find about:

Exercises: The book discusses exercises that are good for your body. It guides you about the poses and exercise types that promote joint health and warns you of activities that decay joints.

Nutrition: It laces you with the right knowledge of what to eat and what to avoid for a healthy skeletal and mental system.

Tips and tricks: With Motion is Lotion, you can learn ways to improve your overall brain function and become more alert than ever.

Serve as a template for years: By extracting the golden nuggets from the text, you can use this book as a template for years to come.

The data in the book is not limited to the above-mentioned points, rather,  it is a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to keep his body healthy and fit.

Where Can I Get Motion Is Lotion?

You can get your copy of the Motion is Lotion- Live An Oily Life by clicking here!


Herniated Disc Patient Wins State Title

The Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic continues to provide top-notch chiropractic treatment to numerous patients. Today, we share the success story of a premier high school competitive weightlifter who found his career at stake, owing to a serious injury. But thanks to the professionals at the Legacy Clinic, everything ended really well!

Kristian Sarakinis

Weightlifting Injury

A few months ago Kristian Sarakinis suffered a severe blow as he experienced a weightlifting injury just when he was training for the state championship. The injury was so serious that it bulged the spinal disc out of its normal position.

The bulging disc not only put Kristian in agonizing pain but also broke his dream of competing in the state championship. Mr. Sarakins felt that his career was over and he wouldn’t be able to lift weights again. In this time of gloom and despair, he direly wished for a miracle.

Chiropractic Treatment By Dr. JT Anderson

A disheartened Kristian landed at the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic for the management of symptoms. At the facility, he met Dr. JT Anderson who would change his life for the better. Dr. Anderson treated him with highly efficient physical therapy. In addition to physiotherapy, Dr. JT provided constant help and support to Mr. Sarakinis. The healing hand of Dr. Anderson not only alleviated pain but also motivated him for future endeavors.

State Championship

With treatment from the Legacy clinic, Sarakins was not only able to recover completely but also participated in the state championship. The dedicated weightlifter went on to win not one but two state championships.

To date, he credits Dr. JT Anderson and the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic for his victory. He is forever grateful!

Mr. urges all youngsters to seek chiropractic treatment from the Legacy Clinic.

Advice From Kristian Sarakinis

He advises all athletes and sportsmen in school, college or adult level to seek chiropractic treatment, especially from the Legacy Clinic. It is an absolute life changer that has helped him achieve his goals when all hope was lost.

Book Your Appointments Now

So, if you want to heal from a traumatic injury or enhance your performance, book your appointment now!


Sacroiliac SI Joint Pain Exercises

In general, the sacroiliac (SI) joints connect your hip bones to your lower spine. But do you ever think what would happen if you get injuries in SI joints? Your legs and hips will lock into a place and you will feel pain and difficulty in moving. Now, you might ask what are the exact causes of it. There are lots of factors that can lead to sacroiliitis including trauma, arthritis, pregnancy, and many infections. But if you focus on some good quality exercises, you can get rid of SI joint pain very easily. Let’s learn about them in this blog.


Exercises for SI Joint Pain Relief

Apart from yoga, many more exercises for SI joint pain are equally beneficial. Some of them are as follows:

The Pelvic Tilt:

Being one of the effective sacroiliac joint exercises, it involves laying on the back with bent knees and feet on the floor. After that, you have to use your abdominal muscles to push your lower back into the floor. You can hold this for 8 seconds and try repeating it 10 times.

Quadruped Arm/Leg Raise: 

Begin on your hands and knees (Can be done on a bed if needed for cushioning). Raise your left arm and extend your right leg at the same time. Hold this position for 8 seconds and then switch to your right arm and left leg.

Side Plank: 

In a side plank, you need to lay on your right side with your right arm out for support. After that, lift your hips off the ground. At this time, only your feet and arm should be touching the ground. Hold this for 8 seconds. If you repeat it 10 times for both the right and left sides, it is one of the useful SI joint pain exercises.

Cat and Camel: 

This is a very interesting exercise where the person needs to arch his/ her back alternatively between hands and knees. After that, he/ she dips it by holding each position for at least 8 seconds. If you want to improve flexibility and let go of pain, the 10 repetitions of cat and camel are a must.

Yoga Exercises for SI Pain Relief

The practitioners say that yoga is an exercise for the whole body. Those who cannot go to gyms daily can perform yoga for 20-25 minutes and experience whole-body relief in no time. If we talk about sacroiliitis, yoga is one of the best sacroiliac joint pain relief exercises. To treat the problem, you need to focus on mainly stretching exercises. Let us have a look at some below:

Child’s Pose:

This is one of the most helpful SI joint exercises that is specifically for stretching the lower back and hips. To perform a child’s pose, you need to start on your hands and knees, then sit back on your heels while extending your arms forward. For long-term results, you can hold this pose for 20-30 seconds, breathing deeply.

Bridge Pose:

Bridge pose is also one of the useful stretches for SI joint pain that helps strengthen your lower back and the glutes. To perform a bridge pose, you need to lay on your back with your knees bent and feet standing flat on the floor. After that, you need to lift your hips upwards (towards the ceiling) and squeeze your glutes. If you perform this pose for 8-10 seconds before lowering, it works very well.

Sacroiliac Joint Pain Exercises to Avoid

Along with the best exercises for SI joint pain, there are some important exercises to avoid with sacroiliac joint pain. It is equally important to know what exercises not to perform as to perform. Let us have a look at some of the avoidable exercises during SI pain:

High-Impact Activities:

If you have severe pain in the sacroiliac joint, then you need to avoid running, jumping, and other high-impact activities. These exercises can worsen the pain even more. Instead of these, you can go with low-impact activities such as swimming, cycling, etc.

Heavy Weightlifting:

Always keep in mind that if you lift heavy weights in SI pain, it can impact your back portion and hips. As a result, your SI pain will increase a lot. That’s why, you need to avoid these kinds of heavy weight lifting exercises and focus on bodyweight exercises or light weights. 

Treatment for SI Pain

Now, let us understand how we can treat SI pain in addition to performing these stretches for sacroiliac joint pain:

Physical Therapy:

You can go for physical therapy specifically designed to strengthen the muscles and support the SI joints.


If you are experiencing a lot of pain, there are many pain-relief medicines available such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. For severe cases, we recommend consulting a doctor first.

Lifestyle Changes:

Also, your eating and drinking habits, posture, and sleeping schedule are one of the important treatments for SI pain. 


Overall, you can treat SI pain with the help of yoga and stretching poses. But a small kind of carelessness can cost a lot. Yes, it can even worsen your joint pain. So, learn about the poses before directly jumping to perform them. Additionally, take care of your lifestyle habits: eat well, drink enough water, and sleep properly or you can also get professional advice or Medicare Chiropractic services in The Villages at Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic.


Chiropractic Adjustment for A Subluxated Or Misaligned Rib

The rib cage encases several vital structures such as the lungs and the heart, keeping them safe from trauma. Your rib cage is connected to the breastbone (sternum) to the front and joins the spine at the back (via facet joints). Multiple issues can lead to subluxation or Misaligned Rib which presents as pain and breathing difficulties. If you are suffering from such issues we suggest you see a chiropractor and improve your quality of life!

What Is Subluxation Of Ribs?

A subluxation is a condition in which the rib is not dislocated from the joint but gets out of normal alignment. A subluxation usually results from an injury. Many people experience rib misalignment after a car accident or a fall (involving direct trauma to the chest).

Slipping Rib Syndrome

In some cases, patients experience a disorder called slipping rib syndrome in which the rib subluxates with breathing activity and returns to place itself. The syndrome needs medical attention.

How To Identify Misalignment Or Subluxation Of A Rib?

The most common symptoms of rib subluxation include:

  • Popping/clicking sensations in ribs
  • Sharp stabbing pain in the upper body
  • Chest pain (pronounced on coughing and sneezing, etc.)
  • Difficulty in breathing

How Can Chiropractors Offer Help With Rib Misalignment?

Chiropractors can alleviate symptoms by realigning your ribs. The non-interventional treatment modality has been successful in providing pain relief to aching patients. Per a study athletes suffering from slipping rib syndrome reported maximum benefit from osteopathic manipulation.

Spinal manipulation is an effective way of managing rib misalignments. Patients report evident improvement in symptoms after multiple sessions of chiropractic care. Moreover, a chiropractor also guides you on exercises and stretches that can help recover sooner.

The cumulative effect of spinal manipulation and exercises is pain alleviation and improvement in quality of life.

Rib Subluxation Management At Legacy Clinic

If you experience popping of the chest on breathing, it might be an underlying rib subluxation. Save yourself from paralyzing chest pain and visit the Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic ASAP! By carefully manipulating the spinal and rib structures, experts at the Legacy Clinic reduce pain and gradually return your rib to its natural position.


What to Do for a Strained Muscle or Angry Joint?

Leaving a Legacy

Muscle strains and tears are common types of sports injuries that can lead to pain and discomfort. Hectic activities involving brisk top and lower body movements (such as golf or pickleball) make you more prone to pulling a muscle.

Have you imagined what happens when someone pulls a muscle while playing or running around with the grandkids? Even the simplest of household chores such as gardening can land you into trouble (and pain).

The soft tissues of your body have immense potential for stretching. However, overstretching of a tendon or a muscle can cause them to give away.

Muscles, like other parts of the body, need water to function properly. A shortfall in water supply can promote cramping and straining. Dehydration plays a significant role in the development of muscle strains.

Though muscle strain is caused by injury, overstretching, and improper forces, the hydration status of the muscle cannot be ignored. Muscle strains are commonly seen in the leg region.

Symptoms of a Strained Muscle

To be able to identify a strained or pulled muscle you must first know the muscle strain symptoms. Pain and difficulty moving are a primary feature. This is accompanied by swelling and bruising of the skin. Some patients also report snapping and popping sensations

How To Manage A Strained Muscle?

In most cases, muscle strain management is easy. The main aim of the treatment is to alleviate pain and inflammation.

R.I.C.E vs. R.H.H.W.

In recent years, the term R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) was the staple recommendation behind injuries. 

However, after detailed examination and patient analysis Doc John Theeck recommends patients adopt R.H.H.W instead of the conventional R.I.C.E. The chiropractor in The Villages at Legacy Clinic has used R.H.H.W for many years and has had amazing recovery results.

R.I.C.E is the conventional method of treating a pulled muscle that involves rest (R), ice application (I), compression (C), and elevation (E). Contrary to popular belief Dr. JT Anderson, an experienced expert of chiropractic treatment, suggests patients go for rest (R), heat (H), hydration (H), and (W). Generally, a mild muscle strain takes anywhere between one to six weeks to heal completely. However, with these steps, you can recover much faster.

Heat helps soothe joints and relax muscles and is used to treat chronic pain. Heat reduces muscle aching and stiffness and works by improving circulation and blood flow to the affected area. It can also increase muscle flexibility and promote the healing of damaged tissue.

Some of the more seasoned patients prefer icing their joints because their joints feel hot and painful, and that brings them comfort. However many arthritic patients prefer heating their joints to help loosen up the stiffness and alleviate pain.

The most important instruction in muscle strain management is:

DO NOT ice a strained muscle or stretch an injured muscle or tendon.

Legacy recommends that patients take Inflammation to reduce inflammation *3x per day, the Collagen Joint Complex *3x per day, and the CBD Clinic-Level 5 as a natural topical pain reliever which helps to calm down nerve pain, muscle soreness, and injured ligaments, tendons, and cartilage.

Please always ask a Legacy doctor if you need help with patient care. We are here as a team to provide excellent treatment recommendations!