Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic


PRP For Shoulder Impingement 

Shoulder problems are very serious issues because they keep on increasing more and more. Although yoga and physical exercises might help up to a certain extent, in case of critical problems like shoulder impingement, you need a platelet-rich plasma injection for shoulder. Now, you might think of possible surgical options. Yes, they are also available to go with. But they seem very expensive to many. Also, they ask for more time to recover. But PRP therapy is something different. 

In this blog post, we will understand how you can get the benefits of platelet-rich plasma by using it for shoulder impingement.

What is Shoulder Impingement?

Before directly going into PRP therapy for the shoulder, you need to have a basic understanding of what shoulder impingement is. We will not confuse you with so many medical and scientific terms. Simply understand that it is a major shoulder problem that occurs when the rotator cuff tendons get trapped and compressed. This can occur during heavy shoulder movements. For example: if someone lifts very heavy luggage on his/ her shoulder, yes there are chances of shoulder impingement. 

Effects of Shoulder Impingement 

Now, how the shoulder impingement will affect your body is also an important question to answer. So, basically, it creates 

. inflammation 

. pain

. doesn’t allow to move a lot, i.e. decreases mobility 

. pain when lifting the arm, reaching behind the back, or doing overhead activities 

In some cases, people often experience dizziness due to shoulder impingement.

Solution Through Platelet-rich Plasma Injection 

Yes, you read it very correctly! You can treat your shoulder impingement with PRP injections. So, basically what PRP is? 

It stands for platelet-rich plasma. That means your shoulder will get plasma (which is the healing part of our blood). But how? So, this work requires proper chiropractic care. You can find a chiropractor in The Villages for you. What he/ she will do is inject platelet-rich plasma into your shoulder to increase the amount of platelets in that particular area. And, the platelets will perform natural healing there. Also, the expert will use your own blood, not someone else’s. Hence, you can be worry-free for any infections and all.

Benefits of Platelet-rich Plasma Injection For Shoulder Impingement 

Going for platelet-rich plasma injections in The Villages to treat your shoulder impingement is a wise decision as it offers numerous benefits. Some of them are as follows:

Natural Healing

Firstly, as PRP injections use the patient’s own blood, they utilize natural healing mechanisms. No worries about any side effects at all.

No Worries of Pain

Your pain from shoulder impingement will go after PRP. If not completely, at least you will experience worthy relief up to some extent.

Inflammation Gone

If you have developed inflammation because of shoulder impingement, the benefits of platelet-rich plasma will make sure that it vanishes away.

Minimally Invasive

PRP therapy is not at all like surgery. It is minimally invasive.

Shorter Recovery Time

Also, it won’t take too much time to heal your shoulder. Its recovery time is less than surgeries.

Potential to Delay Surgery

PRP injections can also delay the need for surgery. In some cases, it eliminates the requirements of surgical intervention totally.

More Applications 

Not only the shoulder, but you can also choose PRP injections for back pain, knee pain, and other many applications.

How Long Should You Rest After PRP Injection for Shoulder Impingement?

So, this is a very important thing! The healing time speaks a lot about how well a surgery/ injection will work for the patient. Generally, it will go for 3 to 6 months. Yes!! But if we talk about what you can do during the healing time. So, you can’t go for heavy physical activities with shoulder impingement at all. Try to avoid strenuous efforts for at least 1 month. Generally, experts suggest it for 2 weeks. But give rest to your shoulder for around 3 weeks to 4 weeks, i.e., a month. Later on, try getting one step ahead. 

You can also go for chiropractic care for PRP injections in The Villages. The experts will be able to guide you better. 

So, what are you waiting for with pain in your shoulder? Go to a chiropractor today and get a solution to your problem as soon as possible! 


How Many PRP Injections Are Needed For Knee?

You might be aware of the benefits of platelet-rich plasma for shoulder and back pain. But what about the knee? It’s beneficial for knee pains as well. If you have been suffering from chronic knee pain for a long time, it’s time to go for a platelet-rich plasma injection for knee. However many patients worry about the quantity of injections they will require to treat knee problems thoroughly. In this blog post, we will discuss the same in detail.

Understanding PRP Injections for Knee

First of all, keep in mind that you need proper chiropractic care for getting PRP. This all requires an expert. You can find a chiropractor in The Villages easily.

Now, if we come back to PRP for knee, it simply involves increasing the concentration of platelets in the affected part of your knee. Later on, it will take time to heal properly. Now, you might be thinking about how long should you rest after PRP injection. Go to the link for more info. on the same:

How Many Injections Do You Require For Knee Problems?

Along with the benefits of platelet-rich plasma, the number of injections the therapy requires to treat a knee condition completely matters a lot for the patients. Let us understand it below. But keep in mind that it varies depending on the type of knee injury. We will discuss it below.

Mild Knee Pain or Early-Stage Osteoarthritis:

When one is suffering from mild knee pain, which usually occurs in early-stage osteoarthritis, the only aim of having a platelet-rich plasma injection is to get rid of pain and a little bit of inflammation. In this case, you can expect treatment in one to two doses. In most of the cases, one is enough. But if it’s a bit more than mild, you might require two applications of PRP injection for knee.

Moderate To Severe Knee Conditions:

If you suffer from moderate knee-related issues, you will require at least three doses of PRP injections. Now, if we talk about their timelines, it would be 1-1 injection spaced between 1 week.

Chronic Knee Problems

Now comes the most common knee problems that are chronic, i.e. for a long time. To treat them, you might need to invest quality time in addition to quantity. It might require a series of PRP injections, one every 6th or 12th month. However, we suggest consulting a chiropractor.

Will The Number of Injections Affect The Cost?

So, it’s a very obvious & big yes! The more PRP you go with, the more it will get your pockets loose. However, many clinics provide discounts on a bunch of injections. You can try consulting for platelet-rich plasma injections in The Villages.

Will It Be Worth It?

So, the benefits of PRP are numerous. If you have planned to go for one to treat your knee pain, you are on the right path. Do not worry about that. Let us understand the same by a list of some benefits of platelet-rich plasma for knee below:

Relief From Pain And Inflammation 

Undoubtedly, PRP will give you relief from knee pain. Also, if you have Inflammatory issues due to knee problems, you can get rid of them easily. But it will take time.

Faster Speed of Healing 

By injecting concentrated plasma into your affected area, the healing will increase. You will be able to get back to your normal movements in due course of time.

Good Quality of Life

As you heal quickly, your life’s quality will increase. It will become better. 


In conclusion, you can go for PRP therapy to treat your knee-related injuries. It is a promising alternative to all those traditional methods that require a lot of time and money. In brief, it is both a cost-effective and beneficial solution with several benefits such as pain relief, faster healing, and an improved quality of life. But to have a proper plan about how much PRP injections will cost for knee pain, it’s recommended to have one-on-one advice from an expert.


How Effective Are PRP Injections?

The human body takes time to heal whether you go for surgery directly or choose PRP injections. But the effectiveness of the way you select matters a lot. In the case of platelet-rich plasma, if we talk about how effective they are, we mean answering whether they provide relief from the problem (although after taking some time) or not. Let us find answers to all your questions in this blog post.

Platelet-rich plasma Injection for Shoulder

Whether your shoulder injuries are rooted in tendons, ligaments, or muscles, there’s a PRP to help! Yes, PRP is effective in treating shoulder injuries. But up to what extent? Let us look at it below.

Enhanced Healing

When the expert uses platelet-rich plasma injection for shoulder under chiropractic care, it increases the concentration of the platelets in the affected area. As the platelets perform the healing work, they are effective for getting relief from shoulder pain for a significant portion of the time.

Reduces Inflammation

The possible chances of inflammation define the effectiveness of a medical aid. And in the case of a platelet-rich plasma injection, there are no chances of any inflammation at all. The reason behind this is the therapy is using your own blood.

Improved Function

With PRP injections, your shoulder injuries find solutions. You can experience improvements from the very first application of PRP in the affected part of your shoulder. Overall, it improves the functioning of the shoulder.

Applications of PRP Beyond Shoulder

Not only the shoulder, but platelet-rich plasma is very beneficial in treating other musculoskeletal conditions as well. Some of them are as follows:

  • PRP injections for Back Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Other Conditions

Effectiveness of PRP For Back Pain

If you have been suffering from severe back pain for some time, PRP injections are available to help. Whether your back injury is due to problems in ligaments, tendons, or facet joints, these injections for back pain are helpful for every case. It is effective a lot as it offers relief from chronic back pain too.

Effectively of PRP For Knee

You can get quick solutions to Knee osteoarthritis and other related injuries like ligament tears with the help of PRP. It has proved itself effective in treating a variety of knee-related issues.

Effectiveness of PRP For Other Conditions

If you have serious problems other than back, shoulder, and knee pain, you can go for PRP. It might include tennis elbow, muscle strains, or others. It is effective for them as well.

Although the therapy is effective in treating almost all kinds of musculoskeletal conditions, please keep in mind that it’s the latest technology. More research and experiments are going on to check its effectiveness on different higher levels.

Effectiveness Factors to Consider Irrespective of the Condition
Some crucial factors define the effectiveness and level of benefits of platelet-rich plasma. Keep in mind that these are applicable universally to all types of conditions.

Let us have a look at some important ones below:

Scientific Evidence

As mentioned above, we have less evidence on the same. Hence whatever information is available currently, go with that. The level of effectiveness of a particular condition by PRP will depend on that totally. You can consult a chiropractor in “The Villages” for the same. The expert will have a detailed understanding and knowledge of the same. No one can help you better than a niche expert with platelet-rich plasma injections in “The Villages.”


Many people weigh the effectiveness of a medical aid by calculating the cost. But keep in mind that the individual prices of PRP injections for back pain, knee, shoulder, and other conditions vary. These depend on so many factors including your type and level of problem, number of injections, and others. Also, take care that you can’t cover the costs of PRP with insurance as of now. For the future, there are no predictions to date.

Recovery Time

Yes, the healing time of PRP injections in “The Villages” lies in answering the question of how long should you rest after PRP injection. It will also determine how effective your PRP will be. So, platelet-rich plasma injection generally takes some time to recover. It’s somewhere around 3-6 months. Even in some critical cases, it goes to 1 year.


Overall, platelet-rich plasma is very beneficial in treating musculoskeletal problems such as shoulder injuries, back pain, knee issues, and more. You can heal in no time by using the healing mechanism of your own body system. Although it is effective in treating injuries irrespective of the complexity, it is crucial for a patient to have a detailed knowledge on both pros and cons of PRP. It would be better if you have information about the costs, recovery times, scientific evidence of PRP and how effectively it can treat different problems depending on factors like inflammation.


Platelet-Rich Plasma Procedure

An Effective Solution To Treat Knee, Shoulder, Back Pain, and Much More!!

Platelet-rich plasma injection is literally an effective aid to treat almost all kinds of pain including shoulder, back, and knee. But what is the procedure for the same? We have summed it up for you in this blog.

Understand Plasma

‘Plasma’ is a part of blood. Its main function is to perform healing. Hence, chiropractors use it in PRP therapy to promote healing, particularly in affected areas. 

Preparation Process of PRP Injections

The preparation process of platelet-rich plasma injection involves the following steps:

Keep in mind that you require proper chiropractic care for these.

Blood Collection

First of all, the doctor collects your blood. Generally, it involves 15-20 milliliters of blood, not that much. 

Also, some people confuse this step with blood donation. So, don’t do the same. It’s not at all similar to blood donation.

Difference B/W Blood Donation & Blood Collection for PRP

There’s a huge difference. 

Blood donation involves giving your blood to someone else. While in the blood collection step for PRP, it transmits the blood back into the patient’s body in later steps. 

How Much Blood Will You Need To Give?

Although it’s generally 15-20 mm, it can be a bit higher or lesser depending on the following two factors

  • the affected area, and
  • severity/ complexity of the condition.


The most important step of the process for inserting a platelet-rich plasma injection is ‘centrifugation.’ During this step, the blood is centrifuged. Let us understand the process in detail below:

  • Centrifuge Machine

There’s a specific machine for this task called ‘centrifuge.’ The collected blood is put into it. Then, it spins at a very high speed to separate different components of the blood.

  • Time

It takes around 10-15 minutes for the centrifuge to perform optimal separation. 

  • Blood Components’ Separation

At first, the blood separates into three main layers:

  • Red-Blood Cells at the Bottom
  • A thin layer of white blood cells, and platelets (the buffy coat) in the middle, and 
  • Plasma on top.

What Do We Need From These Three?

Yes, we need plasma!!!!

  • Plasma Out

Now, the plasma layer is further centrifuged to concentrate the platelets.


Creation of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection

Now comes the most interesting step!

The chiropractor in “The Villages” makes a layer of platelet-rich plasma by carefully extracting it using a syringe. This layer has the maximum amount of platelets that we require for treating ahead.

The PRP is normally 5-10 times more concentrated with platelets than normal blood.

Activation (Optional)

Although the process completes on the third step, in some cases, the experts activate PRP before injection. They use substances such as calcium chloride or thrombi for the activation process. Why? The reason is that these elements boost the growth factors of platelets.

What Is PRP For?

You can go for this therapy for the following:

Platelet-rich Plasma Injections in “The Villages” are available for shoulder pain, knee pain, and back pain as well.

Benefits of Platelet-rich Plasma

As the name suggests, it is rich in platelets. The more the number of platelets, the maximum the efficiency. Plus, there are several other benefits of platelet-rich plasma as well:

  • Minimally Invasive

There are fewer complications and recovery time.

  • Autologous

No changes of allergic reactions or infections.

  • Heals Naturally

There is no use of chemicals at all. It involves your own blood only.

  • Versatile

It can treat a variety of problems such as there are PRP injections for back pain, knee pain, and shoulder pain.

How Long Should You Rest After PRP Injection?

The resting time depends upon several factors from your lifestyle to the complexity of your situation. To know about this in detail, go to

‘Legacy Clinic’ offers PRP injections in “The Villages.”


How To Get Rid of Shoulder Pain?

The shoulder joint is a pivotal body joint. From playing tennis to delivering a brutal punch, the shoulder joint helps you perform various activities. Therefore, shoulder health is critical for the optimal functioning of the body.

There are multiple infirmities that can reduce the mobility of your shoulder joint and put you in agony. Chronic disorders can lead to persistent pain while acute injuries take away your physical and mental peace.

There are multiple musculoskeletal disorders that cause shoulder ache. The most common pathologies of the shoulder joint include:

  • Arthritis (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis)
  • Shoulder pull
  • Rotator cuff injury
  • Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
  • Bursitis
  • Bone fracture
Girl having Shoulder pain massage

Modern science allows us to treat shoulder disorders with conservative therapies, often saving us from the need for surgery. Let’s discuss how chiropractors and physical therapists can help alleviate shoulder pain and inflammation.

Therapies For Shoulder Pain

Graston Therapy

Soft tissue manipulation is a famous technique for easing scars and lowering associated pain. Graston technique is an advanced type of soft tissue therapy performed with specially designed metal instruments. The maneuver is effective in lowering shoulder pain caused by rotator cuff tendinitis.

Ultrasound Therapy

The introduction of ultrasound waves into the soft tissues produces heat. This heat improves localized blood flow and reduces muscle tension. Thus, you can notice significant reductions in shoulder pain and inflammation.

Laser Therapy

Another highly efficient non-interventional treatment modality is laser therapy. The use of precise lasers promotes healing of the damaged soft tissues and alleviates pain. Moreover, laser treatment increases cellular energy, making you resistant to further complications.

PRP Therapy

PRP Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma has immense regenerative and healing potential. Due to the magical results, quick recovery and minimal side effects, hundreds and thousands of people across the globe opt for PRP injections for shoulder pain. It is effective in managing rotator cuff injuries, osteoarthritis pain and shoulder tendinitis.

Prolozone Injections

Prolozone therapy involves mixing different chemicals that are beneficial for shoulder health. The amalgamation of therapeutic minerals, vitamins and ozone gas in prolozone injections aims to reduce pain and improve mobility. This particular therapy has shown promising results in rotator cuff injury patients.

Shoulder Pain Management At The Legacy Clinic

The Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic offers all the prevalent and efficacious treatment options for shoulder pain under one roof. So, if you or your loved ones are suffering from shoulder ache, we suggest you visit us without wasting a minute! The right treatment can change your world for the better.


Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection Recovery Time

How Long Should You Rest After PRP Injection?

Doctor Holding PRP Injection

PRP injections come with a never-ending list of benefits of platelet-rich plasma. But the benefits come with a very crucial part, i.e. their recovery time. Yes, it’s about how long you need to rest after taking PRP. Let’s find answers to the same in this blog post.

Factors That Affect Recovery Time

Before going directly into the recovery portion of platelet-rich plasma, let us focus on the essential factors that affect it:

  • Type of Injury

How serious your injury is and at what place it is exactly in the body defines the recovery time.

  • Treatment Goals

The outcome you need from platelet-rich plasma therapy is also directly proportional to the recovery time.

For example: let’s say you are taking PRP for getting rid of pain or tissue regeneration.

  • Number of Injections

The more the number of PRP injections, the more time it will take for recovery.

  • Individual Healing Rate

Although these factors make or break the recovery time of PRP injections, your healing depends on your own pace too. The immunity of the body defines your healing time. Not only this, but age, overall health, and underlying medical conditions also define how much time you will take to recover post platelet-rich plasma injection.

What Is The General Recovery Timeline for PRP Injections?

Despite all these variations, we have outlined a general overview of the recovery timeline below:

  • Immediately After the Procedure

As you are done with platelet-rich plasma injection, you will experience mild pain, swelling, and bruising at the site of injection. But don’t worry at all as these are temporary side effects. They will heal quickly. 

Important: In the first few days of PRP, you might be suggested to apply ice packs and compression to the injected area if you stay under proper chiropractic treatment.

  • The First Week

The first week after platelet-rich plasma therapy is very important. You need to avoid strenuous physical activities during this time.

  • Weeks 2-4

During this time, you won’t recover completely but you can do normal mobile activities. Start stimulating your mobility bit by bit.

  • Weeks 4-6

During the fourth to sixth week, you can increase your activity level. It’s the final time to say bye to the pain & receive the full benefits of platelet-rich plasma. 

Important: We suggest being under chiropractic care to have a safe progression plan. It will help you return to your regular activities, including work and sports.

‘Legacy Clinic’ provides the best platelet-rich plasma injections in “The Villages.”

Take Care Of These For Rest After Chiropractic Treatment

As you finish platelet-rich plasma therapy, the resting time needs the following key points to remember. They will quicken the healing.

  • Listen to Your Body

Do not push yourself too hard. Listen to the needs of your body and just go with the flow accordingly.

  • Follow Chiropractic Care

Have an expert by your side & get timely instructions from him/ her. Follow them strictly. No excuses at all.

  • Gradual Progression

The process requires time. Hence, don’t think that you can do heavy physical activities in a day or two. Give your body some time to heal. This all will happen slowly.

  • Importance of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy of the injected area is very important. It gives long-term benefits of PRP therapy.

  • Managing Pain

Yes, it’s a tough time to handle as pain will come and go at times. You can discuss pain management techniques with your doctor.

  • Lifestyle Changes

You need to take care of your lifestyle too. Eat well, drink plenty of water, have adequate sleep, and take care of your mental health too.


Overall, the recovery/ healing time of PRP differs from person to person. It depends on your body personally. 

If you are or know someone who requires PRP injections in “The Villages”, Legacy Clinic is available! With the best chiropractor in “The Villages”, we have a record of providing the best.


Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection For Knees

No More Worries About Knee Pain As PRP Injections Are Here To Help!

Knee pain is common among adults today. As a result, people are suffering from conditions such as osteoarthritis, sports injuries, or general wear and tear. Although you can go for surgeries, they are available. But for people with financial constraints, PRP injection for knee is also available. It’s a cost-effective solution for many. Let us learn more about the same in this blog post.

PRP Injections For Knee Relief

PRP injections are very beneficial for the removal of pain. It’s the primary target of PRP. Many patients with chronic conditions like osteoarthritis have responded positively after PRP injection for knee. Unlike corticosteroid injections (that offer temporary relief from knee pain), PRP doesn’t do the same. It focuses on providing a long-lasting solution to the people.

How Do PRP Injections Work?

The procedure of a platelet-rich plasma injection requires chiropractic care. It is straightforward plus minimally invasive. It involves the usage of your own blood. Hence, there are no chances of infections at all. Among all these benefits of platelet-rich plasma, the procedure involves getting blood out of the patient’s body and then centrifuging it. After that, the platelets are concentrated. Then, the PRP injection goes into the knee finally. To do so, the chiropractor uses ultrasound guidance. It makes sure that the injection goes to the precise location. 

The procedure of a platelet-rich plasma injection requires chiropractic care. It is straightforward plus minimally invasive. It involves the usage of your own blood. Hence, there are no chances of infections at all. Among all these benefits of platelet-rich plasma, the procedure involves getting blood out of the patient’s body and then centrifuging it. After that, the platelets are concentrated. Then, the PRP injection goes into the knee finally. To do so, the chiropractor uses ultrasound guidance. It makes sure that the injection goes to the precise location. 

How Much Time Does It Take?

The whole process of PRP injection for knee takes around an hour. 

Can Patients Return After PRP?

Yes, you can usually return home shortly after the procedure.

What To Expect After PRP For Knee?

Now after getting a platelet-rich plasma injection, a question might wander in your mind: ‘How long should you rest after PRP injection.’ So, it basically depends on a lot of factors. Not a single thing can define it. You will have to take proper rest to let PRP heal the knee. Be under the proper guidelines of the doctor. If you feel any kind of discomfort, consult him/ her immediately without any delay. You might experience mild symptoms but do not worry as they are for a temporary period. You will heal soon!!!

Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections in The Villages: A Local Perspective

To get the most out of the benefits of platelet-rich plasma, getting a reputable provider is very important. It’s about the critical part of your body, i.e. the knee. You can’t afford to compromise anyhow at all. 

If you are seeking PRP injections in “The Villages”, there are so many clinics. You will meet a team of chiropractors who are well-versed in the field of PRP and will take care of you throughout the process. Moreover, if you consult a chiropractor in “The Villages”, you can also experience complementary treatments that will help multiply the benefits of PRP.

Integrating PRP Therapy with Chiropractic Care

For a successful platelet-rich plasma therapy, quality chiropractic care plays a very crucial part. The expert will guide you along the process and protect you from any possible complications. For knee-related issues, you can look for chiropractors who specialize in musculoskeletal health. They can offer treatments and other physical therapists to alleviate stress on the knee joint. Not only this, but they will also help you increase mobility by taking steps slowly.

Is PRP Good For You?

If you look at the immense benefits that you can get from PRP, it’s amazing and worth going for the same. But the whole brainstorming shouldn’t end here. To know exactly whether it will be fine for your knee condition or not, consult an expert. He/ she will examine you thoroughly to provide a deep and detailed explanation of whether PRP is right for you or not.


What are PRP Injections?


A PRP injection stands for ‘platelet-rich plasma injection.’ As clear from the name itself, it involves the usage of plasma present in human blood. In simple terms, a PRP injection contains plasma which is highly rich in platelets. Platelets are the “healing agents” present in our body. Do you remember how a small cut on your leg heals on its own after some days? How does that happen? It is because of platelets present in our blood that perform the healing process. And this is what platelet-rich plasma therapy uses. 

Platelet Rich Plasma Injection Uses Patient’s Own Blood

Yes, you read it correctly!

The plasma present in PRP injections is from the patient’s blood itself. That’s why it is a safe procedure. As this is not related to any other person’s blood or harmful chemicals in syringes, it is natural. 

The Process of Platelet-rich Plasma Therapy

Now, you might be wondering what exactly happens during PRP therapy. Let’s understand it bit by bit.

  • First of all, a small amount of the patient’s blood is taken. 

Generally, it’s somewhere around 30-60 mm, but it may vary depending on the severity of the condition.

  • Then, the blood is centrifuged in a machine that separates different components of it. And from there, the plasma comes out.
  • In the end, this plasma (rich in platelets) is used for PRP therapy.

What PRP Injections Are Exactly For?

As this centrifuged plasma has a higher quantity of platelets (the healing agents of the body) than normal blood, a platelet-rich plasma injection can be used for many issues. Some of them are listed below:

  • PRP injections for Back Pain
  • PRP injections for Shoulder Pain
  • PRP injections for Knee Pain
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)
  • Achilles Tendinitis
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Hip Pain & Injuries
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Chronic Pelvic Pain
  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders
  • Chronic Wounds & Ulcers
  • Wound Healing in Surgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Dentistry

Not only these but there are also endless benefits of platelet-rich plasma.

If you need PRP injections in “The Villages”, consult Legacy Clinic today!

Are PRP Injections A Wise Alternative To Surgeries?

This question has no perfect answer actually as it all depends on a lot of factors. For example: if you have chronic problems that can’t be treated with PRP, of course, you will have to go for surgery. But in terms of healing time, PRP is ahead of traditional surgeries. As medical operations require time, effort, a lot of money, and long recovery times, they might not be a wise option for many. In contrast, platelet-rich plasma therapy offers shorter recovery periods.

For example: if a patient is taking 2-3 years to recover after a back surgery, PRP can do it in 6-7 months.

But how long should you rest after PRP injection again depends on several factors. Hence, we recommend being under proper chiropractic care even post-therapy.

Chiropractic Care in The Villages

Keep in mind that while going for platelet-rich plasma injections in “The Villages” or anywhere else, you require proper chiropractic care for the therapy. Hence, consult an expert before!!

Legacy Clinic is the best chiropractic treatment provider of PRP injections in “The Villages.”


Benefits of Platelet-Rich Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma is a medical technique that has gained a lot of popularity in recent times. It is a therapy that uses PRP injections for back, shoulder, knee, and many other orthopedic problems. But what are the exact benefits of platelet-rich plasma? Is it beneficial for the patient or not? Let us find answers to these in this blog.

platelet rich plasma injection

How Useful is Platelet-rich Plasma Therapy?

Using a platelet-rich plasma injection to treat injuries is beneficial in the following ways:

Promotes Faster Healing

During the therapy, as the patient’s growth factors (plasma) are directly concentrated in the injured area, it helps tissue regeneration faster. As a result, the wounded being heals at a faster pace.

Reduces Inflammation

PRP injections have growth factors that can help in reducing inflammation in the affected portion of the body. 

For example: if you have swelling and pain in the back, you can take PRP injections for back pain.

This therapy is most beneficial for those conditions where there are chances of chronic inflammation. Let’s say arthritis and tendonitis.

Enhances Collagen Production

The collagen present in our body helps to maintain the strength and elasticity of tissues. And, the therapy does the same. It stimulates the production of collagen. As a result, it repairs the damaged tissues.

Decreases Pain

As it boosts healing, it decreases the pain & gives relief.

Minimizes the Need for Surgery

Earlier, surgeries were the only options available to cure orthopedic issues. However, with the advent of PRP, the need for surgery has lessened. One can use the body’s natural healing ability to recover from any kind of pain whether it is in the back, shoulder, or knee.

Improves Joint Function

If someone has joint issues, he/ she can improve joint function by repairing cartilage that has been damaged and caused Inflammation in the affected area. Ultimately, it gives better mobility to the joints and a good quality of life.

Shortens Recovery Time for Athletes

Previously, when surgeries were the only option available, athletes suffered a lot and had to let their careers suffer as well. But with PRP injections, as the recovery time is less than medical operations, the athletes can get back to their sports in a short period.

Treats Chronic Tendon Injuries

PRP is useful to treat chronic tendon injuries such as tennis elbow and Achilles tendinitis as well. Surgeries find treating these problems very tough but PRP injections have made them easier. 

Safe & Natural Treatment

The biggest benefit of platelet-rich plasma is its natural aspect. It does not involve the usage of any chemical (harmful) element in the therapy. Also, it is safe as one’s own blood is transferring into his or her body.

Reduces Scarring

If you have scars & find surgeries costly, you can choose PRP therapy. It can regenerate healthy tissue and improve the overall healing process, ultimately reducing the scars.

Supports Cartilage Repair

For issues related to cartilage such as osteoarthritis, PRP can be helpful as it uses the body’s natural regenerative process. Not only this, but it also improves joint function and reduces pain.

Effective for Ligament Injuries

It can treat ligament issues, which are very common to occur in sports, as well. 

Enhances Muscle Recovery

A platelet-rich plasma injection can treat muscle injuries too by increasing the repair of muscle fibers.

Supports Wound Healing

In cases where wounds are very slow to heal, PRP therapy can enhance the speed of the process.

Reduces the Risk of Complications

As the process uses the patient’s own blood, there are no possible chances of complications. It’s a safe option to consider.

Improves Blood Supply to Injured Areas

By forming new blood vessels, i.e. enhancing angiogenesis, PRP can improve blood supply to the affected area. Ultimately, the body part will heal quickly.

Personalized Treatment

Last but not least, PRP therapy focuses on the specific needs of the patient. It involves adjusting the concentration of platelets as per one’s immune system.

After knowing the benefits of platelet-rich plasma, many of you might think about how long should you Rest after PRP injection. For a detailed description, you can read the blog: 

If you require a chiropractor in “The Villages”, then Legacy Clinic is available with the best facilities in platelet-rich plasma injections in “The Villages.” 

If you require or know someone who needs PRP injections in “The Villages” on an urgent basis, feel free to reach out anytime. We are here to help!!


Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection Cost

People have gained a lot of knowledge about PRP injections for back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, etc. But a prevalent question that hasn’t got an answer yet is the cost of platelet-rich plasma injection. In this blog post, we will shed light on how much it can cost for platelet-rich plasma therapy.


Factors Affecting Cost of PRP Injections

There are so many factors that influence the overall cost of PRP injections. Some of them are as follows:

Geographical Location

The cost of living and the standard of medical services where you go for chiropractic care define the price range of the therapy.

Type of Condition

It also depends on the severity of your medical condition. 

For example: if you have complexity with your knee, it can cost a bit higher.

Number of Sessions

Some complex situations require multiple sessions of PRP injections to heal completely. Hence, the cost depends on them too.

Chiropractic Care

The experience, expertise, and reputation of the chiropractor also play a major role in deciding the cost.

If you require a chiropractor in “The Villages”, you can reach out to Legacy Clinic. It provides the best quality of PRP injections in “The Villages.”

Equipment and Technology

Different chiropractors use different qualities of equipment to lay out platelet-rich plasma therapy. The higher the quality, the higher the price range.

How long should you Rest after the PRP injection?

The time you take to recover after a PRP session requires proper chiropractor guidance. Hence, this factor also influences the overall cost.

Breaking Down the Costs

Although the overall cost of PRP injections for back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, etc. differ at different places, we are trying to give an overview of the cost breakdown below:

Initial Consultation

Before the process of platelet-rich plasma, an initial consultation with the expert is necessary. 

Per Session Cost

Depending on the severity of the medical condition, the chiropractor suggests a particular number of sessions of PRP injections. 

Additional Fees

Some clinics charge extra for follow-up visits, post-treatment chiropractic care, and others. These vary from place to place.

Now, let us understand the cost breakdown by taking a theoretical situation of PRP injections for back pain.

For back pain, let’s say it will cost somewhere around a total of $1500. 

Initial Consultation: $200

Per Session Cost: $1000

Additional Costs: $300

(These are not the exact and actual values, we have just demonstrated a fictional situation to clear the cost breakdown).

PRP Therapy by Insurance?

Many patients who eagerly want to have a platelet-rich plasma session have questions regarding whether PRP therapy can be covered by insurance or not. Unfortunately, PRP injections haven’t developed this facility yet. The insurance companies do not consider this therapy as an experimental one, hence, they do not offer any insurance for the same. But there are some cases, especially in orthopedics (such as back pain), where insurance might help. But it’s essential to check with your insurance provider first before any step.

Tips to Manage PRP Costs

You can consider the following tips to manage your PRP costs:

Consult Multiple Providers

Check quotes from several chiropractors to compare prices & quality. Go with the one who matches your financial expenses.

Inquire about Packages

Many clinics offer package deals (in case your condition requires multiple sessions of PRP). It can help reduce the overall cost.

Check for Promotions

Many times, the clinics run promotions or provide discounts on PRP therapies. Keep an eye on grabbing the deal.

Discuss Payment Plans

You can discuss financing options to spread the cost over time.

Legacy Clinic is the best provider of platelet-rich plasma injections in “The Villages.” If you need one, feel free to reach out!